58. Waiting

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"Mr. Evans?" A voice says and i look up through my tears to see a nurse standing there... "I am Micheal, i am a nurse here on the surgical floor... Can i get you anything? Coffee... Tea... Water?" He asks and i shake my head... "Uhm no... But there is a doctor here in the hospital John Smith... Can you call him for me?" I ask and the nurse looks confused... "He is a friend..." I say and the nurse nods and leaves... Not even 10 minutes later John appears, he is out of breath as if he has been running...

"Chris? What is going on... Where is Mya?" He asks and i wipe my tears... "In surgery... She has a ... oh god what did they call it... A tubal pic... pregnancy... something like that... I can't remember what they called it..." I start to say, and he looks at me shocked "Tubal ectopic pregnancy?" He asks and i nod... "Damn... What is her state... Has it ruptured... Do you know?" He asks and i look at him confused and maybe even scared... "I have no clue... As soon as they found out she was a doctor they started talking in all this medical lingo. The only thing i got explained was that the embryo is not in the right spot... and i didn't want to... I didn't want to... " I say starting to panic again...

"Okay... Okay calm down... I go see if i can find out what is going on and when i do, i will explain it in laymen's terms..." He says putting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me... He leaves... I am alone again... Alone with my thoughts. Mya's words going through my mind. She talked as if she was saying goodbye... I pull out my phone and call ma to update her. I tell her to not tell Oliver per Mya's wishes... Just to tell him the doctors are helping her... To say that ma was in shock was an understatement. 

"I have to go ma..." I say as John walks back in and hang up. "So... I looked at the scan and her lab results... It basically comes to this... The embryo had settled in the Fallopian tube... It had not ruptured anything yet... But her surgeon was worried enough so it had to be removed surgical... I will leave the details out... But when an embryo attaches itself outside the uterus it is not viable... It grows but causes damage as the body is not made for it... Now i am not an expert in this field... But from what i could see and what i talked about with the head nurse they dont see to many problems coming up..." John says and sigh not really reassured but it has to do for now... "The surgeon is one of the best and he will do everything in his power to make sure to safe the Fallopian tube as i read that it is her wish. They made note of that..." He says and i sigh... "Honestly... I dont care... I just want Mya to be okay..." I say and he smiles...

"Thanks for coming... I know you are probably busy..." I mumble and he shakes his head. "No problem..." He says patting my shoulder again... All of a sudden, the door opens, and Carly appears... I look confused... "Ma called... Said you might need some support..." She says and she hugs me... "I will leave you to it... Here is the number to my office... Call if you need anything..." He says and i thank him again hugging him and he nods greeting Carly and leaves... 

"What happened?" Carly asks and i sigh explaining what John just told me and what happened back at the house... "Omg..." Is all Carly says looking at he worried and i sigh... "I didn't know you guys were trying for a baby..." She says all naive and i look at her and shake my head... "We weren't... We talked about more kids but wanted to reconnect first... It was more of in the future thing... We wanted for me to have some time with Oliver first... You know... To focus on his for a little bit before he had to share the attention. It was not planned..." I say pacing up and down... 

"I get that... Would it be welcomed though? You know if it had been a viable pregnancy...." Carly asks but i dont get a chance to answer as all of a sudden, the door opens.  Mya gets wheeled back in. I look at my watch... 87 minutes... I did not know they would be done so fast... The surgeon walks in smiling... That must be good right... He is smiling so that must mean good news... 

"Is she okay...?" I ask looking at Mya who is still out... I walk over to her and kiss her forehead running my hand through her hair... I look up to the surgeon who nods and smiles... "Yes, i have removed the embryo via a laparoscopy... Everything went according to plan... No complications... She should make a full and swift recovery... She has to take it easy for a while, no heavy lifting... But we have to see how she wakes up. But i think you can probably take her home tonight..." He says and i let out a sigh of relief. 

"That quick?" I ask and the surgeon nods. "Yes, with a laparoscopy you dont have to stay overnight..." The surgeon says and pats my shoulder... "I will come checkup later when she is awake... Take a breather... She is going to be okay... You guys were here in time..." He says and i sigh and sit down next to the bed... "Thank you..." I say and the surgeon nods and goes to leave...

"Doc?" I ask and he stops turning around... "What about the future... Will she be able to..." I say a lump forming in my throat. He smiles... "I see no reason why not..." He says and i let out another sigh... The surgeon leaves. 

"She will be okay..." Carly says and hugs me... "She will be okay..." I mumble repeating her words... "She just looks so tiny and fragile..." I mumble and Carly sighs... "I know... But she is tough... She will get through this... You both will..." Carly says and i kiss Mya's hand... 

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