113. Meeting little Iris...

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"Can you tell the others to wait outside first... So that the boys can meet her first?" Mya asks me and i smile... We had just gotten a text that they were parking the car, and on their way up... "Great idea i will wait outside so the boys are the first to meet her..." I give her a quick kiss and walk out the room to greet them... I smile as i see them all walk up with balloons and stuffed animals. 

I greet everyone and ask them all to wait for a moment as we want the boys to meet them first... The boys are excited and i get down to their level... "Okay... Ready to meet your sister?" I ask and they both nod and smile... "Okay but we have to be really careful and calm... Mommy is still a bit sore, and your little sister is reaaaaally tiny... We are going to use our indoor voices... And we are first going to wash our hands..." I say smiling at them and they both nod a little shyly... 

I take their hands in mine, and we walk into the room... Mya is sitting up in the bed with Iris in her arms... I take the boys to the sink to wash their hands and i chuckle as they keep looking at Mya and Iris with big eyes...  When they have washed their hands i walk them over to Mya who is smiling... "Hello my sweet boys... This is your sister Iris..." Mya says and both boys look at the little girl in Mya's arms... "A girl?" Oliver asks and Mya nods... "Yes it is a girl sweetheart..." She says and he smiles..."She is so tiny..." Kevin says and Oliver giggles... "She is a baby silly... Babies are tiny..." Oliver says proud of himself and i smile and wink at Mya... "Why dont you boys sit down on the couch so you can each hold her for a second..." Mya says and they run to the little couch, and both sit down. I chuckle as they literally squeeze themselves in the little couch that is more of a chair and normally meant for on adult... 

I take Iris from Mya and lay her in their lap... "Take pictures..." Mya whispers and i smirk and pull out my phone getting down to their level making sure Iris is safe and i take picture after picture... The boys are softly cooing to her taking the indoor voice comment seriously and they are both totally enamored by her... "I dont think i am going to be the only one who she has wrapped around her little fingers..." I say smirking looking at Mya and she giggles...  Iris starts to fuss a little bit and the boys start to get restless so i take Iris and hold her while the boys run over to Mya and crawl into bed with her... She pulls them in her arms kissing their heads and holds them tight... "Are you okay mom?"  Oliver asks and i smile. When it comes to his mom he is always caring and protective... 

"Ready for the rest of the family?" I ask putting Iris in the little bassinet and Mya nods... I stick my head out the door telling everyone to come in and they all jump up... Ma is the first one in the door and greets Mya before walking over to the bassinet.... "Omg... So precious..." Ma says with tears in her eyes... After everyone has greeted Mya, I take Iris out of the bassinet and smile... "Everyone this is Iris Lisa Evans... Our daughter..." I say smiling proudly. "A girl!" Everyone excitedly gasps and i see Scott groan and hand Shanna a 50-dollar bill... "Seriously?!" I say and they both smirk... 

"Okay everyone gets to hold her for a minute. But first wash your hands and no kissing the baby please..." I say and the look stunned for a second, but do as we ask... I smile as ma is the first to hold her... She has tears in her eyes looking at Iris her finger in her little hand as she rocks her back and forth... "She is perfect... You did good momma..." Ma says to Mya who blushes... "Is she okay?" Ma asks and we both know what she means, and we nod... "Yes, all healthy 10 fingers and 10 toes..." I say not wanting Oliver to think something is wrong with him. 

Next to hold her is my sister Carly and she sits down so her kids can come say hello... I smile as they are all so gentle and Stella giggles as Iris starts to fuss... "I am not the only girl anymore...!" She says all excited and we all smile...  Shanna and Scott are next, but Iris gets a little fussy again, so they quickly give her back and i hold her to my chest... As i hum she quickly calms down and i feel a sense of pride...

I see Mya is really tired and i drop the hint it is time to go... Ma wrangles everyone together... "You boys be sweet to grandma, okay?" Mya says half asleep hugging them tight as they hadn't left her side... Ma walks over to Mya and gives her a kiss on the cheek and pulls something out of her bag... "I saved you some leftovers..." She whispers and i seem Mya giggle and thanking her... Mya gives the boys each a kiss on the head before i lift them off the bed... I walk them out of the room and give everyone a hug thanking them for coming... 

When i walk back in Mya is feeding Iris, barely able to keep her eyes open... She had been so adamant on having the family over right away that she had not been able to rest... When she is done i take Iris from her and in the blink of an eye Mya is asleep  i smile and kiss her forehead... "Sleep baby... You earned some long-needed rest..." I murmur...... Iris is fussing a bit and i try to get her to calm down, but it is not really working... A nurse walks in and smiles... I look at her a little lost and she chuckles... "The little one not settling while mom is asleep?" She asks and i nod... 

"Try some skin-on-skin contact... Most babies will calm down with that..." She says and i look at her a little weird, i think... Because she starts to chuckle... She grabs a blanket and hands it to me... "To wrap around you both... I won't drool... I am more of a Sebastian Stan girl..." She says winking at me and i laugh... "I didn't think that..." I say now a little embarrassed and she chuckles... "I'll give you a bit of privacy... Just wanted to let you know that the other nurse was off, so i am taking over..." I nod and thank her before she leaves and i put Iris in her bassinet for a second getting rid of my shirt... I take Iris back out and take the little romper of her as she is still fussing... I take the blanket and have a bit of trouble wrapping it around me... But i finally manage to sit down on the couch with Iris on my chest the blanket lightly draped around me... I smile as she immediately calms down and seems to be content... I have the biggest smile on my face as i just sit there with my little girl on my chest sleeping... 

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