117. Whatever Mrs. Evans wants... Mrs. Evans gets...

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"Chris..." I hear being whispered in my ear in a soft singing tone... I groan as a second ago i was asleep... Which i needed as after round 4 or 5... I lost count, i am beat... It was worth it though... I have put her in every position possible and made her beg for more... Ass up... Her on top... Her underneath... sideways... Riding my face... My dick in her mouth... Standing up... Sitting down... I think we have had done it on every surface in this little cabin... On the floor in front of the fire... The shower, the little kitchen... The table, against the window...  Every way and place you can think off we did... 

"Christopher..." I smirk as i feel Mya is straddling me while i am laying on my stomach... I shiver as she pushes herself up and scrapes her nails down my back... I groan again as she digs her nails in making my whole body react... "Wake up sleepy head..." She says and i groan again...  "Come on baby... I want to play..." I hear her say and i dont even have to look to know she is pouting... 

I peek at the time... Fuck i have only slept for 2 hours... "Mrs. Evans... You are going to be the death of me..." I mumble not moving and she giggles... She starts to plant kisses all over my back and in my neck. I push myself up taking her with me and she squeals... I push her off me and she laughs as i pull her in my arms and hold her tight... "You should be sleepy after all the activities we had earlier..." I groan and she tries to get out of my grasp... "Not tired..." She mumbles. 

We lay there for a while in silence... I try my best to keep my body under control as her hands wonder... Her fingers exploring my chest going lower and lower until she is rubbing my dick a little kiss planted every now and then... God i love it... It is definitely a nice feeling to be desired by your wife... My gorgeous and absolute bombshell of a wife... 

"Chris...?" She hums and i smile as i still have my eyes closed... "Yessss." I sigh and she giggles... "What would you say..." She starts but does not finish her sentence... "No, you know what, never mind..." She mumbles and i open one eye... She has now got my full attention as she is blushing and i put my finger under her chin, so she is looking at me...  "Finish your question baby..." I whisper and she looks away... Oh, this is interesting... It seems that my wife has a little secret...

I roll over so i am now hovering over her, fully awake... "What were you going to say baby..." I say and kiss her... "It is nothing... Never mind..." She whispers and sighs... 

"I think it is something..." I say smirking and kiss her in her neck making her moan... "I have ways to make you talk baby..." I say smirking sucking on her pulse point, and she moans... "No... I dont want to ruin the mood..." She sighs and i push myself up and look at her confused... Now i am really curious... "I dont think that is possible..." I growl as i push my knee between her legs and push them apart settling between them... "Chris..." She moans as i suck on one of her nipples and grind into her. I growl before releasing her nipple with a pop... 

"Tell me baby..." I say smirking but she shakes her head... "No..." She sighs... "Can you please stop..." She says and she sounds serious so i stop... I am confused... She pushes me away and sighs before getting off the bed... I am so confused as she walks to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water... I sit up and watch her for a second as i am utterly baffled... "Baby what is wrong?" I ask but she shakes her head looking down not even looking at me... 

I get of the bed and walk over to her... I step in front of her and wrap her in my arms not saying a word... This is what she needs right now... Whatever she is bothering her she won't tell me if i am going to push... I have to wait until she is ready to tell... "Do you want some ice cream?" I ask and she sighs... "Nooo..." She sighs and i chuckle... "Chocolate?"  I say and she sighs again followed by a groan... "Nooo..." She mumbles and  i think really hard... "Want to talk about renovating this place?" I say and she chuckles... "Not right now..." She mumbles and i wrap my arms around her a little tighter... "Do you want to go home?" I ask her. "No!" She says and i grin... 

"Okay well, when you know what you want, tell me and we will get it..." I say and she groans... "If only it was that easy..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "It is baby... Whatever Mrs. Evans wants... Mrs. Evans gets..." I joke and she is quiet for a second... "Even if Mrs. Evans wants another baby..." She says and i pull back looking at her with big eyes... 

"What?" I say in shock, and she blushes... "I want another baby..." She whispers... "I thought you were done..." I whisper in disbelief, and she sighs and walks away from me sitting down on the bed wrapping the sheets around her... "Mya?" I say and she looks up at me... "Just forget it, okay... I probably just have baby fever because Iris is growing up so fast..." She mumbles and i sigh and sit down next to her... "You said you were done... You were quite adamant about it..." I say again and she drops herself in the bed lets out a frustrated groan and puts her arm over her eyes... 

"I know what i said..." She groans frustrated... I take her arm lifting it off her face so i can look her in the eyes... "How long have you felt like this?" I ask wondering if this is a new thing or has been on her mind for a long time... "A while..." She mumbles and i am surprised as she has not brought it up before... Or have i missed it... "In my defense... I said that pushing a baby out... So technically it does not count..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Another baby..." I murmur letting the idea run through my head... 

I start to smile at the idea... "I am not against it..." I say and Mya pushes herself up looking at me surprised... "You are not?" She asks and i shake my head... "Really?" She asks and i kiss her... "No baby... I never made it a secret i want a big family..." I murmur into the kiss... "Let's do it..." I say and jump of the bed and walk into the bathroom to come back with her birth control.... 

"You really want another baby?" I ask and she nods biting her lip... I walk to the trash bin open it and with while looking at her i throw away her birth control pills... She has the biggest smile on her face and i walk over to her... "Now over to the fun stuff..." I growl and jump her making her giggle and squeal as i attack her with kisses... 

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