34. Wait...

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We stand there in a sweet embrace. God i missed this... Just holding her my body relaxes, i find solace in her arms. It is like everything around me disappears. Like everything else does not matter anymore. As long as i have Mya in my arms i will be okay. She is my anker in the craziness that is this world and for 9 years i have been drifting around... Drifting around trying to find something i walked out on 9 years ago. I had been so fucking stupid. Holding her in my arms again just reinforced how stupid i had been. I lost 9 years with her... 9 fucking years i can never get back... Whatever she wants. Whatever she needs, she got it because i dont want to ever lose her again. Moving to Yellowstone... Done... Giving up my career... Done... I would do anything for her to stay with me forever. To have her and Oliver in my life...

Mya's hands run up and down my back slowly and it is so comforting, loving and it feels so nice... I wrap my arms around her a little tighter pulling her as close as possible. "I missed you..." I whisper and she hums... "I missed your scent..." I hum and she hums in response again... I pull back and cup her face with both hands... "I missed your lips..." I whisper before giving her a soft kiss and she gives me a small smile... "I missed your touch..." I whisper and she gets a twinkle in her eyes. 

"Did you now...?" She whispers in a soft teasing tone her hand moving to my chest... A single finger running up and down... I nod and i led out a low guttural growl as he hooks her finger in my belt and yanks me forward... "Fuck... That is a dangerous move baby..." I growl as i stumble and our bodies collide for just a second.  I lean back against the counter. She just looks up at me smirking... "Dangerous...? I thought you missed my touch..." She says teasingly biting her lip looking all innocent with those big green eyes... 

"Did you miss this..." She whispers standing on her toes whispering in my ear as her hands glide up my chest... "Yes..." I whisper in husk sigh... "Did you miss this?" She whispers her lips hovering over mine her breath fanning over my face as her hands glide up the back of my neck in my hair and she lightly tugs on it... I close my eyes for a second. "Ye.. Yessss." I stutter before letting a soft groan escape my lips. She smiles against my lips that little smirk growing wider and her eyes twinkling with mischief. 

I am breathing heavy frozen in place as i let her play with me... All i can do is just watch as she toys with me, a little mischievous smirk on her lips... She is enjoying this, toying with me. Hell i am enjoying it. The air is thick, the house quiet. The only sound filling the room is my heavy breathing... 

"Do you remember the first time we met..." She softly asks and i close my eyes remembering that day... "Yes..." I whisper as i can just see her in front of me laughing... I remember that it was like the world around me stopped and all i could see was her... I was in the hospital where she worked as a nurse in the ER... I had been stupid like usual wanting to show off and dislocated my shoulder... It hurt like a motherfucker but when i heard and saw her i forgot all the pain... That was until she walked in with the doctor to help him put my shoulder back in place... 

She helped the doctor, and her touch was so comforting even then... I had blushed as she put her hands on me trying my best to be tough, thinking it would impress her... She softly told me that it was going to hurt, but that as soon as the shoulder was back in place the pain would disappear... All i could do was nod and hoping it was not over to soon as i just loved her hands on me... The warmth of her touch... It was everything. Even then in that cold busy, bright and loud ER... 

I was so caught up in that memory that i had not noticed her hands traveling down my chest again... I shake my head a little and bite my lip... "You asked me out after setting your shoulder..." She whispers and i smile nodding. "Best thing i ever did..." I say my voice hoarse as her hand slowly traveled down... 

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