122. 🎵Oh no... Oh no... Oh no, no, no, no🎵

713 40 10

"This is not happening..." Mya whispers... We are sitting in the car... Both in shock as we had just left the doctor's office... She is holding the ultrasound picture... She is still staring at it in shock as if she could still not believe it... Everything was okay... We were just in shock about the news we had just gotten... The doctor had confirmed the pregnancy... He had checked Mya out and she was good... Well sort of... We had gotten the shock of a lifetime... And that was an understatement... We had walked back to the car not saying a word each in our own thoughts... Now we are sitting in the car... I had not even started the car yet as i didn't know if it was wise to drive just yet... We just needed a minute to wrap our head around the initial shock... 

"Are you okay?" I ask in a small voice, and she slowly turns her head at me... "Am i okay?" She says repeating my words... I blush and nod looking at her... "Am i okay...?" She says again and taking a deep breath... "Yes..." I whisper and she looks at me with a blank stare... "I dont know..." She says and takes a deep breath... She then starts to giggle... That giggle turns into a laugh... That laugh turns into tears streaming down her face as she can't stop hysterically laughing... I just look at her as i am still in shock myself...

All of a sudden, she abruptly stops laughing and looks at me... "Are you okay?" She asks me and i look at her not knowing how to react... "Yeah... I think so..." I mumble and take a deep breath...

We sit there in silence for a moment, still in the clinic parking lot... Mya looks at the ultrasound again... "I just can't believe it..." She mumbles... I sigh and take her hand in mine... "We will be okay, right?" I ask her a little scared... She looks at me and nods... "Yeah... Of course..." She says and i give her a little smile... "Well, you got your wish..." She says and i look confused... "Wish?" I ask and she chuckles... "You are getting the big Boston family you always wanted..." She says and i smirk... "Yeah... But i had never expected to get it this way..." I say and Mya chuckles... 

"We are going to be in so much trouble..." She mumbles and i chuckle to... "Yeah..." I mumble back... "But it is going to be fun, right... We can do this..." I say and Mya looks at me... "I think we can..." She says and sighs... "I am going to get huge..." She whispers and tears spring in her eyes... "You are going to be beautiful..." I say but it is no use as she bursts out in tears... "Hey, hey, hey... We are going to be okay... You will look beautiful and i will be here for you, anything you need..." I say hugging her, knowing we are going to have to put some things on pause... 

"We will be okay... I will put some things on pause... We will talk with Sara about the shelter, and we will hire more personal if needed. So, you can slow down if needed..." I say and she pulls back and wipes away her tears and nods... "Yeah i dont think i will be able to work the whole pregnancy..." She says and i smile... "I am going to spoil you rotten..." I say and she blushes... 

"There is one other thing we have to think about..." I whisper taking a deep breath not knowing how she is going to take this... "What?" She asks and i take another deep breath... "We might have to think about moving..." I say waiting for her reaction... She thinks for a second and then nods... "I think you are right..." She whispers and i am surprised. 

I had expected her to fight me on this... I know she loves this house, but it was not going to be big enough... That and with all the stairs and such it would not be practical... "We are in no rush... We can take our time and find a house that you love just as much but is more practical for our growing family..." I say smiling and she nods... "Or maybe we can have a house build... You know... So, it is catered to our needs and exactly how we like it..." She whispers and i smile... "That is even a better idea... We can find a piece of land and have an architect design a house just for us..." I say and she cups my face and kisses me passionately... "We can do this..." She whispers a soft smile on her lips. She sounds a little more confident now... 

I smile into the kiss... "Yes... We can do this..." I say and we both take a deep breath and look at each other and start to laugh... "You know, this is all your fault..."  She mumbles and i look at her and smirk... "My fault?" I ask and she smirks and nods... "I remember you were the one with baby fever..." I say grinning and she giggles... "Yeah... Baby... Not babies... And you go and put 3 in me..." She says and i laugh... "I may not be a doctor... But if i remember correctly it takes two people to make 3 babies..." I say and she groans and leans into me... I wrap her in my arms again... It is a little uncomfortable in the car but right now we need this... "Nope... This is all your fault..." She says sounding cheeky and i smirk... "Fine... My fault..." I mumble. "Yes... You and your super sperm are at fault..." She hums and i smirk... 

"I just can't believe we are going to have triplets..." She says mumbling and i take a deep breath and smile... "No... Me neither... But it is right there in black and white..." I say pointing at the ultrasound picture that she had put on the dashboard... "Baby A, Baby B and Baby C..." I say smirking... "We will name them Huey, Dewey and Louie... Our babies conceived at Disney..." I say smirking and Mya pulls back and looks at me and laughs... "And April, May and June if they are girls?" She asks and i smirk and nod... She then starts to groan... "I already have problems picking one name... Now we have to pick out 3..." She says and i smile... "We have time baby..." I say and i kiss her... "Let's go pick up Iris from ma and then go home..." I say and she nods... "Yeah... We still have cereal to clean up..." She sighs and i chuckle... 

We arrive at ma and before i can get out she stops me by putting her hand on my arm... "Can we not tell yet..." She asks and i smile and nod... "Whatever you want baby..." I say understanding that we need some time to wrap our heads around it first before we invite the chaos of our family in this news... I kiss her... "Now let's go get our little nugget and go home..." I say and she smiles and nods... 

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