47. Bliss

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I smile as Oliver is running ahead of me closely followed by Steve and Bucky... Mya is making breakfast while i walk the dogs with Oliver. Yes, Steve was Oliver's responsibility but that didn't mean he got to walk him alone... Especially as we now have two dogs... They were great though... Already well trained, the women of the shelter had trained with them and really did a good job. Or maybe they were just easy-going dogs... They were already off leash and sticking like glue to Oliver. It was amazing to see how Bucky did not seem to be slowed down by only having 3 legs...

After buying everything we needed at the pet store we had gone by the vet to get them chipped and checked out just to be sure they were as healthy as they could be... They were up to date with their shots and such but i just wanted to be sure that they were healthy... Oliver wanted to know everything. So curious about everything the vet was doing. The vet just smiled and explained everything patiently..

Oliver was absolutely loving our new additions and they both slept in bed with him last night... Mya told me that there would be one upside to having the dogs sleep with him... The fact he would be less inclined to crawl into bed with us... The dogs would help him feel safe... Although i did not mind Oliver crawling in bed with us, the idea that he was feeling safe made me happy... Not to mention having Mya to myself at night... Could not deny that that was a nice perk... 

"Oh shit... Mya is going to kill me..." I mumble as i was so lost in my own thoughts that i hadn't noticed Oliver, Steve and Bucky jumping in the puddles until it was too late... "Oh well it is too late now..." I mumble and just smile as Oliver is having the time of his live... Steve is no longer golden... Bucky barks and i groan as he drops himself rolling through the mud... I sigh and hang my head... "Yep... I am dead..." I mumble but pull out my phone and film it... I am going to get killed anyway... But i can't help but smile filming Oliver having fun. I send Mya the video... 

To my surprise she answers immediately... a smiley face followed by the following sentence... I will put towels in the garage... Just have Oliver undress and wipe off the dogs before you come inside... "Huh i guessed wrong... I live to see another day..." I whisper to myself surprised... 

"Dad!" Oliver yells and i smile. Him calling me dad still has that magical effect... I catch up with him. When we come home i guide him into the garage telling him to strip down to his underwear on mommy's orders... I start to wipe down the dogs and smile as Oliver strips down and helps me first before going inside... 

I smile as i hear him yell to Mya about all the fun he had. Laughing when he tells her that Bucky was rolling through the mud. When i have wiped off the dogs i take off my shoes and let them inside... Mya is smiling listening to Oliver who is still standing in his underwear to excited to tell her everything to get dressed first. I smirk as her eyes meet mine... "Okay sweetie time to get dressed..." Mya says and Oliver takes a deep breath before running off... "I was sure you were going to kill me..." I murmur stepping behind her wrapping my arms around her kissing her cheek. "Why?" She asks and i chuckle... "Because he looked like he had taken a mud bath..." I mumble and she smiles... "He is a kid Chris... Kids get dirty... That is why we have a washing machine... And that is why i put him in sweats for your walk..." She says smiling and i kiss her cheek again... "I dont get angry because he is being a kid..." She smiles and i kiss her cheek again letting my hands roam her body... 

"Chris..." She moans and i smirk kissing her neck... "Oliver will be right back..." She sighs and i smirk as she sounds a little disappointed... "Let's not give him something to tell your family today... I am already anxious enough..." She moans as i keep caressing her body... I chuckle, kiss her cheek and let her go... We were going to have dinner at ma's with my brother and sisters... Today they were going to meet Oliver... We had waited so long to give him to recover from surgery and be able to hear and not have to sign even though everyone is taking lessons... 

Mya was nervous... Really nervous. She knew how my brother and sisters could be... Very protective to a point it was just overkill... Although i was not worried about Carly and Scott who were excited to see her again... I was worried about Shanna who had criticized the situation before... I had called her and told her to please be on her best behavior and to give Mya a chance... She begrudgingly agreed so that didn't put me at ease at all. But ma and Carly promised to keep her in check. 

I just dont know what i will do if Shanna acts out, but i do know i will not take it... It is none of her business. She just needs to suck it up... Oliver came walking back in and i smile as the dogs follow him around. "Time to feed the dogs bud..." I say and he nods and walks to the drawer where we keep the dog food... He giggles as they push him aside... "No... Back..." He says and the dogs look at him and Mya and i look a little surprised as the dogs go back... "Sit!" Oliver says and they both sit, and he fills their bowls. When Oliver says it is okay, they eat... 

"See told you... Animals love him..." Mya says smiling and i smile back at her... God it is just perfect... This moment... Is perfection... Blissful family life... I love it... "Oliver go help your dad set the table for breakfast..." Mya says and i chuckle as he groans but walks to the drawer to get forks, knifes and spoons while i grab the plates putting them on the counter for Mya to put breakfast on... While doing this i just can't stop smiling... Yes, blissful family life is heaven...

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