61. A little father and son bonding

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"Do you know what you are doing?" Oliver sassed at me and i chuckle... "I think so bud..." I lie as i try to hang his painting in the hallway near the front door... The day after Mya's surgery he gave it to her, and she absolutely loved it... We had spent the day in bed that seems way too small for Oliver, Mya, the dogs and me... But it was nice... We watched Disney movies had a little picknick and took naps when we wanted to... It was cozy and just what we needed... We had another talk with him about what had happened giving him an opportunity to ask questions. His only question was if he would get a brother or sister in the future... We had told him we didn't know... That it is not that we wouldn't want to but that it was not that easy... But that for now, we were happy just the 3 of us and we would see what the future holds for us...

We were now a week later, and Mya had her interview at the hospital. I had asked her if she was sure she was ready, but she assured me she was... That she was feeling fine, and it was just an interview. Tomorrow she would have her interview at the private practice. She would make a decision after that. She had a few things she wanted out of the job and as it looked now the private practice was more willing to work with her... She was a little nervous but i told her they would be crazy if they would not offer her the job... Both of the jobs... Still the private practice had her preference... Talking about that job would make her smile and it was more like her practice in Yellowstone... 

So, while she was at her interview Oliver and would hang the painting for her so she would see it every day she walked in and out... It was a surprise...  At her old place in Yellowstone Oliver's painting and drawing hung all over the house... It was nice... It made it feel like a real family home... I wanted that here to... Oliver was excited but seeing me fumble around with the drill and tools made him giggle... 

I take a step back and Oliver giggles... "Good job dad..." He says and when i look at him he has a smirk on his face looking exactly like his mother and i laugh... "Smartass..." I mumble as i look at the painting that is hanging crookedly. "You said ass..." He whispers and i chuckle... "I said smartass..." I say and turn to him starting to stalk over him... He gets a twinkle in his eyes and starts running... I throw the tools to the side and follow suit catching up with him in the living room and i catch him and throw him over my shoulder... The dogs jump around us barking all excited while Oliver begs for their help...

He squeals and giggles trying his best to escape my grip but i hold him tightly... "Daaaad stoooop..." He squeals as  i start to tickle him... "Hi mom!" He yells and i stop immediately but dont put him down. The dogs immediately stop to and look at me confused as if they are wondering why i am stopping... I swing around surprised that Mya is already home... Oliver starts to laugh even harder... "Sike... Got you..." He screams and i start to tickle him again... "You think you are funny huh..." I growl and he laughs squeals and begs me to stop... I drop him on the couch after a while and the dogs immediately jump all over him... 

When we all finally have calmed down Oliver looks at me... "Dad?" He says and i smile... "Oliver..." I say trying to look serious... "The painting is hanging crooked..." He whispers and we both burst out laughing... 

"Do you think the other kids at school will like me...?" He asks out of the blue and i look at him surprised... He was going to start school here on Monday... He was going to go to the same school Carly's kids go to... A private school that was discreet big on privacy and had a great broad curriculum...No one could get on school grounds without having to check in... Carly's kids loved it there, so it was a no brainer to send Oliver there to... I paid for Carly's kids to as they kept getting harassed on their public school due to me being their uncle...  

"Of course, bud... Are you worried?" I ask and he nods a little... "What if they think i am weird because of this..." He mumbles tapping his processor... "Bud, if people give you a hard time because of that then they are not your friends..." I say a little worried... "You are an amazing kid, and the other kids will be so lucky to have you as a friend..." I say and pull him in my lap... "Besides you have your cousins at that school... They like you and you like them, right?" I ask and he smiles and nods... 

They had met and hit it off immediately. It was like they have always known each other... "Listen to me bud... You are an amazing kid... But if people give you a hard time or tease you tell either a teacher or me or your mom... Okay?" I say and he nods... "Okay..." He mumbles and i hug him... "Just be you... They will see you are a great kid and will be a great friend..." I say he smiles... 

"Mommy once made my teacher cry..." He whispers a little smile appearing on his face and i look at him shocked... "What? Why?" I say and he smirks... "Our own teacher was sick... The other teacher didn't believe i needed this to hear..." He says tapping his processor again... "She took it off and would not give it back..." He says and i am shocked... "Mommy was so mad, she came to school and yelled at the teacher..." He whispers looking a little proud and i smile... I smile because i can see it... I can see Mya going off at someone not treating her little boy right... "Did you get it back?" I ask and he smirks and nods... "She took me out of school for the day and we got mac and cheese..." He says smirking and i chuckle...

Truth, is after signing him up we had a conversation with the school over the phone... It was 2 days after Mya's surgery and Mya was not up for leaving the house yet. But Mya wanted to make sure they could accommodate Oliver and they were aware of the fact he was wearing a processor and what that entailed... It was not like he has special needs or that we wanted him to have special treatment... Most days he was just a normal kid... With the processor on he was just a normal kid... But there were some days that the sounds would get too much... He would turn it off... It was not encouraged by Mya to do so... But she would also not say he couldn't... To be fair we both could hear and had no idea what it was like... 

Mya had told me on the previous school they had a rule... He could turn it off but had to let the teacher know so he could sit up front to read her lips... He didn't do it often... So, it had never been a problem. She just wanted them to know that and ask if the same arrangement could be made... We would have a meeting with his teacher on Friday, but the dean had told us that he was sure we could make it work... 

"What do you say you and I go for a walk with the dogs..." I say and he smiles and jumps off my lap... He runs off only to come back in his rainboots and coat making me smile... I got up, told him to put the dogs on their leash while i would get ready... As we walk out the door i smile looking at the painting... Although crooked... It looked perfect... I just feel so damn happy... I got this great kid... This amazing partner... and i just feel on cloud nine... Like everything just fell into place... For the first time in a long time... I feel whole...

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