54. Packing up and saying goodbye

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We had spent a week packing up all the non-essential things. It could have gone faster but when it came to the attic filled with all Oliver's old baby toy's clothes and so on and so on, we hit a bit of a delay... She became emotional. It was all tears looking at the little toys, shoes and clothes... She had saved it all... It was almost unbelievable that there had been a day he had fitted those teeny tiny clothes. There was his crib, changing table... Everything, she had saved everything... And she was not willing to part with it... So, it was all coming with... Thank God i ordered the big truck for the move... Tyler helped me to carry everything down to the garage... The movers were coming a few days later than planned so we had enough time to pack up... 

Sarah and Tyler helped when they could and i kind of liked it... Sarah loved telling stories about Mya and Oliver and i learned so much... From the time that Oliver was opposed to clothing and every chance he got would run around naked. Sarah telling me laughing tears running down her cheeks about the time Mya had turned her back on Oliver for one second in the diner only to turn around and find him running around but naked... Mya had been mortified chasing him but Oliver being the little speed demon had tasted freedom and was not easy to catch. She told about Mya's drunken night celebrating her 30st birthday with Sarah where she apparently had told Sarah that i was Oliver's father... Sarah had asked if i was a deadbeat and wanted nothing to do with him and to her credit Mya had said no... That i was doing well for myself but just didn't know about Oliver... The reason they never talked about it after that... According to Sarah it was because of the hurt in Mya's eyes... 

What Sarah didn't know was that we had a relationship... She always thought it had been a one-night stand as drunk Mya is also not the best storyteller... I think when we told her we were married and just gotten divorced she would have a heart attack... 

Although Sarah and Tyler were sad about Mya and Oliver moving, they were understanding and so supportive... Tyler was a nice guy... Not a big talker... He was more a man of action... But he was a nice guy to have a beer with and when we did one night after a day of getting stuff down from the attic i thanked him... I thanked him for being a sort of father to Oliver... As weird as it sounds and maybe i should be jealous i was just happy Oliver had a positive role model in his life. Him and i get along great. We went hiking with Oliver while Mya had her meeting with the new doctor. The knowledge he had about Yellowstone and all its wildlife was amazing. We watched the bears that were bulking up for their hibernation. 

Tyler had handed me a gun and taught me how to use it the day before our hike... I didn't really like it but when he asked if i didn't want to protect Oliver in case it was needed i gave in. He told me it was last resort... Oliver proudly recited the rules... "If it is brown... Lay down... If it is black... Fight back... If it is white... Good night..."  Tyler and i had laughed at the white bear remark... 

It was all not needed though... Tyler was a great guide and knew Yellowstone Park like the back of his hand due to growing up here. So, when he noticed something, he would change course and steer us away from danger. It really was beautiful here... 

Today we had gone fishing. But after a while Oliver was bored and we went into town for pancakes... To my surprise Tyler taught me how to make the mac and cheese making me promise not to reveal his secret... But seeing as it was Oliver's comfort food, he wanted someone in his life to know how to do it. "Who better than his dad..." He had said patting my shoulder... And i could not help but feel proud...

After a fun filled day Oliver and i went back to the house... I was surprised to find Mya in bed... Surprised and worried. She had another meeting with the new doctor today and when Oliver and i had left she was fine and smiling wishing us fun... "Hey baby... Why are you in bed?" I ask waking her up and she looks at me a little groggy... "What time is it..." She asks a little confused and i look at the time... "7 pm..." I say and she sits up... "Shit..." She mumbles... "Have you guys eaten yet?" She asks and i nod... "Mya you are avoiding my question... Why are you in bed?" I ask and she sighs... "I was tired... The meeting was over earlier than expected so i thought i would take a quick nap..." She mumbles and i run my hand through her hair... "Are you really, okay?" I ask and she nods... "Just a lot going on..." She mumbles. "I know baby... I know..." I whisper and kiss her... "Did you guys have fun today?" She asks and i nod.... I tell her all about our day and she smiles. "I am happy you guys are having fun..." 

"Tyler really must like you if he gives you the secret recipe..." She says smiling and kisses me... I blush and smile... 

The next few days are spend packing up the last things... Our last night we will stay in a hotel.... I had booked a room at the same hotel i had stayed at... Mya was emotional seeing her whole life here being packed up in the big truck. Sarah and Tyler came by. "I want you guys to have my car..." Mya says handing Tyler the keys... He looked at her shocked and wanted to refuse but she shook her head and would not take the keys back handing him all the paperwork... We had dinner at the diner promising them to come by for breakfast before we would leave for the airport...

When we arrived at the diner in the morning pretty much the whole town was there to wave her and Oliver off... Mya could not keep it together and cried as she hugged everyone... She and Oliver are going to be missed that was for sure... I on the other hand got a few stern warnings to not fuck up and take good care of Oliver and Mya... Which i swore to with my hand on my heart... 

When it was time to say goodbye Sarah and Mya had hugged and cried to a point that Tyler and i had to comfort them... I had told Tyler and Sarah they were welcome to visit us anytime and promised to come back with Mya and Oliver to visit them... 

Tyler drove us to the airport and after Oliver and Mya had hugged him a few more times and him and i shook hands we made our way into the airport... Oliver was excited to go home... He wanted to go back to the dogs... At this point i was happy we left them with Scott as Oliver had now something to look forward to... Something to distract him from what he left behind...

Because in the last 2 weeks one thing became really clear to me... I had big shoes to fill... They had been happy in Yellowstone and i vowed to make sure they were just as happy or even happier with me in Boston...

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