39. Competition?

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The appointment was an interesting one and not only because it was very informative and i could ask anything i wanted to know. But because after we left my blood was boiling my mind racing. The doctor who got introduced to me as John took all the time to answer and explain that was not it... My blood was boiling because i found out the doctor was a friend from Mya's time at medical school. They hugged... They hugged a little to long for my liking, his hands lingering a bit too long on her back... Not to mention a bit too low for my liking... It irked me.  

Mya introduced me as Oliver's dad and i had wished i could put my arm around her because i got the feeling he was sizing me up. Like he was checking out the competition... God i wanted to stake my claim. Show him who they belonged to... Both of them. But i could not do that. After everything that happened last night and this morning, she would not let me. 

The only satisfaction i got was the fact that he was stunned when i got introduced as Oliver's father. He tried not to show it, but he was surprised and the look he gave Mya was one in disbelief as if he could not believe she kept that tidbit of information from him for so long. I had to sit there and watch as Mya laughed and sweetly smiled at him as they catch up for a bit with their little inside jokes and funny stories about medical school...

All that happened before he turned to Oliver who was smiling at him telling him all about school and all things going on in his life like they were the best of buds... The only upside was Oliver telling him proudly he had a dad now and that i was really cool. All of a sudden, the hospital was not so bad anymore and he listened perfectly to all that John said... I get that he had been Oliver's doctor for a while now but i did not like it... I had to tell myself over and over again to behave as this was going to be the doctor to operate on my son... Oliver patiently cooperated with all the tests and when he was done crawled in my lap which relaxed me a little bit but John just focused on Mya again....

Yes, he explained everything amazingly but at the end of the appointment i wanted to kill him. My blood was boiling. I could not shake the feeling that more was going on between the 2 of them or has been going on in the past. The hug that took too long. The way she touched his arm and laughed at him. Her sadness gone all of a sudden. How he winked at her and smiled. It did not help that he was not bad looking and i did not see a wedding ring or any proof in his office that he had his own family or wife/girlfriend. Did they have a relationship...? Had they slept together? Have they seen each other naked? Was it love? Was he a threat? Competition?  Did she love him? Did he love her? Had he touched her like i did... Did she love it... Was he better than me? Did she moan his name like she one time had mine...

I was driving myself crazy and it took everything in me to not explode right then and there, to tell them to knock it off and that Mya was mine... That they were my family. I know i have no right. I know she had every right to move on with whoever she wanted God knows i did. I could not expect her to life like a non for 9 years... I whored around, i was planning on marrying someone else... But the idea she loved someone else was driving me crazy. 

She is mine... She is mine... Was the thought that kept popping in my head. From the moment i laid my eyes on her i knew i never wanted someone else and the idea that i maybe could lose her to this fancy doctor who was a worthy opponent was killing me. Especially now that Mya and i were in limbo and Mya had shut down again.

I hated that he was going to be the one to operate on my son... Helping him were i could not, was no fun thought either... After Mya and John had hugged goodbye John and Oliver high fived and as John and i shook hands i felt like we were in a standoff... As if he was saying i am coming for your family... I am going to take your family from you... I squeezed his hand a little tighter to state my dominance, but he did not seem to notice...

As we walked out of the hospital my mind was racing but Oliver was with us so i could not ask Mya... Mya who was smiling and holding Oliver's hand as we walked to the car. I only snapped out of it when Oliver asked what we were going to do. I had promised him to do something fun. Even if i just wanted to go home and wait for him to go to bed so i could talk with Mya, i had promised... 

"What would you like to do?" I ask and he shrugs his little shoulder... "We can go to the aquarium... Or go hiking..." I say and want to name some more things, but Oliver has already made a choice.  "Aquarium!" Oliver yelled excited and that finally brought a smile on my face. I looked at Mya who forced a smile at me... Her good mood seemed to be gone again which made me even more annoyed and insecure... "Why dont you boys go together and have some father son time... You can drop me off at home..." Mya says and i sigh... Great she doesn't even want to come with... But before i can even react Oliver does and i can't help but smirk... My little wing man... "Nooo mom you have to come to..." Oliver protested and i smirk. "Yes, mom you have to come... It is family time..." I say giving her my most charming smile and she narrows her eyes at me before looking at Oliver and letting out a sigh... "To the aquarium we go..." Mya said and i smiled in victory... 

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