79. Home alone...

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"You boys have fun and be good to grandma!" Mya says as we are waving the boys off... I look at her and smirk... She seems way too excited about this... But then again, we haven't had some real alone time since the day Kevin came to life with us... She looks up at me that mischievous twinkle in her eyes before looking back at ma and the boys... 

"As soon as they are out of the gate, you better get naked Evans... Welcome to naked Saturday..."  She growls still an innocent smile plastered on her face looking and waving at ma and the boys who are driving off... I am stunned for a second before i start to smirk glancing over to her. I take her arm pull her into the house and slam the front door shut... I lock it before turning around looking at her... "You first baby..." I growl and she smirks dropping her pants stepping out of them... "No panties..." I growl and she giggles lifting her shirt over her head now being completely naked... I step forward but she stops my by poking my chest... "Ah-Ah-aah... Clothes off Evans..." She says in a teasing tone and i groan quickly getting rid of my clothes... 

"Good boy..." She says when i stand in front of her naked. I step closer to her towering over her... "Good boy huh..." I say smirking at her running my finger over her jaw... She nods and smirks back at me... "Someone is feeling cocky today..." I say and she smirks raising an eyebrow before looking down... "I think the only one feeling cocky is you..." She says her eyes focused on my cock... I smirk and in one swift scoop lift her up and throw her over my shoulder... I smack her ass making her yelp... "You think you are funny huh..." I growl as i start walking... "I think i am adorable..." She giggles hanging over my shoulder squealing grabbing my ass and i slap hers again... She is kicking her feet as i walk into the living room. She is trying her best to break free but i just tighten my grip... 

Without warning i drop her on the couch and she yelps... I smirk and let my eyes roam her body... Her perfect naked body... I lick my lips and lean down kissing her pushing her down crawling over her... She giggles into the kiss putting both hands on my face as i settle between her legs... I growl kissing her neck nipping at her skin and she giggles wrapping her legs around me as i let my hands roam her body touching her everywhere i can, feeling her soft skin under my fingertips... 

"So delicious..."I growl licking her cheek and she giggles again making me smile... I love to make her giggle almost as much as i love to make her come... I grind into her kissing her all over, my dick sliding between her folds making us both softly moan. Her hands find their way to my back her fingers digging in my flesh... "Stop teasing Chris..." She moans and i chuckle... "Someone is impatient... Why the rush?  We got time..." I chuckle and she looks at me and smirks... "But Mr. Evans... Do you think you get away with one time...?" She says and i growl... 

"Be careful what you wish for baby..." I growl and thrust into without warning giving her no chance to adjust as i fill her in one swift move... I am breathing heavy as her pussy reacts by squeezing me hard. She moans loudly arching her back of the couch her nails digging in my skin... I hiss as i am sure she is leaving her mark..."So fucking tight baby..." I growl pushing myself up and take her legs untangling them from my waist and putting them over my shoulder folding her in half under me as i lean forward to kiss her... "You better hold on, baby... You won't be able to walk later... I will make sure of that... You will be my couch princess all day... Naked and ready for me to use as i please..." I grin, and she bites her lip and looks at me with those glossed over eyes filled with lust... "Yes sir..." She whispers and i close my eyes as her words send a shiver through my body... 

I pull out slowly and she lets out a soft whimper... I kiss her again distracting her waiting for my moment... When she lets down her guard and is not expecting it i slam into her again making her let out a yelp followed by a moan as i circle my hips grinding into her... I repeat my action over and over again... Distracting her between hard thrusts by kisses all over, sucking on her nipples playing with her tits running my tongue up and down her chest... 

She looks gorgeous underneath me, breathing heavy... Moaning, whispering my name begging me to stop teasing... But fuck i am having too much fun, i am enjoying this too much... "Please..." She whispers her voice raspy and i smirk... With every hard thrust i can feel her walls getting tighter... But every time she is close to coming i pause... Her hand glides down to her clit as she is desperate but i take her hands pushing them above her head... "Oh no baby... I will decide when you come..." I growl before kissing her biting her lower lip and she groans... 

"All your pleasure will be provided by me... Understood?" I growl and she nods... "Ah cat got your tongue?" I tease her and she moans as i snap my hips forward again filling her. Stretching her, hitting her sweet spot making her whine and throw her head back... I plant kisses up and down her neck my free hand roaming her body as i pull out again... "Please... Please..." She moans her tone desperate, and it is music to my ears... I smirk and watch her god she is beautiful... I pinch one of her hardened nipples and she hisses... I smirk and slam into her again but this time i dont stop... I let her arms go and push myself up... I lean on her thighs as i pick up the pace only to stop when she is about to come... "No... Nooo... Why..." She whines and i grin...

But as i feel i am close to, i start again... I thrust into her over and over her boobs bouncing with each thrust... This time i dont stop... I grunt as i feel my dick twitch... I am fucking close but so is she... I can feel her walls start to strangle my cock... My thrust, get sloppier her moans louder as she begs me to not stop... To please let her come... "Go ahead baby... Come for me..." I growl and she screams out my name as it sends her over the edge... 

Fuck her pussy has a death grip on me and i bury myself deep inside of her just snapping my hips forward wanting my cum deep inside of her... She is moaning her eyes rolling in the back of her head, her legs trembling, her toes curling... I slam one more time into her and find my own release letting out a loud growl before collapsing on top of her... She moves her legs wrapping them around me holding me deep inside of her... I plant kisses all over her chest as our bodies relax... I bury my head in her neck humming as she moves her arms wrapping them around me rubbing my back up and down... "Oops..." She whispers as she traces a scratch on my back and i chuckle... "I am going to call you kitten... Scratching me like that..."  She giggles and i lift my head and kiss her... The kiss is sloppy and heaven... She looks so beautiful... Her hair messy, her eyes have this post orgasm glow... We lay there for a while cuddling while i am going soft inside of her... I have no intention to move... 

"I need to pee..." She whispers and i groan... I push myself up and reluctantly pull out of her... She stands up and i stands between my legs as i sit up... I put my hands on her ass giving her cheeks a squeeze making her moan as she leans down and kisses me... As she pulls back i plant kisses all over her stomach and she smiles running her hands through my hair... "I really need to pee..." She moans in a whiney tone and i smirk... I pull back turn her around and let her go but as she walks away i smack her ass making her yelp... I smirk as i watch her walk away my handprint appearing on her ass, her hips swaying a little more than usual and before she disappears out of sight, she looks over her shoulder and shakes her ass giggling... "God i love naked Saturday..." I mumble and lean back in the couch putting my hands behind my head patiently waiting for Mya to come back...

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