Chapter 3

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Abby had already left the apartment, which made Jay slightly at ease.

As Jay woke up, he grabbed his cell phone, and noticed the time.

"God!" Jay whispered.

Jay got out of bed, and rushed downstairs.

After 25 Minutes. Jay noticed his brother's earlier message, and he was at Med.

Jay walked into Med, and walked up to Will.

"Will? You wanted me?" Jay asked.

Will handed his clipboard off to one of the nurses, and looked at Jay.

"Yeah. In here..." Will replied.

Jay followed Will into the breakroom, and shut the door.

"So? What'd you want?" Jay questioned.

Will sat down, and looked at his younger brother.

"Erin called me, and she wanted me to talk to you..." Will replied.

Jay laughed, and looked at the window.

"Erin can't keep her mouth shut, can she?" Jay whispered.

Will could see Jay closing up, and he didn't want him to.

"Jay?! Erin's your partner, she wants to help you?!" Will sighed.

Jay nodded, and looked at Will.

"Yeah! But, she has a habit of making her way into my business, where it's not needed!" Jay snapped.

Will noticed the bruises on Jay's wrist, and called him out on it.

"Why have you got bruises? You and Abby party a little too hard?" Will Joked.

Jay looked down, and rubbed his wrists, he and Abby didn't party too hard. He was getting abused.

"Jay? D-Did I say something?"  Will asked.

Jay shook his head, and got up.

"We done?" Jay asked.

"Well. Ye-." Will stopped.

Jay opened the door, and looked at Will.

"That means a "Yes." See ya!" Jay smiled.

Jay walked out of the breakroom, and shut the door.

"Dammit!" Will sighed.

Jay got into his truck, and texted Erin.

Jay Halstead
Next time. Keep your nose out!

Jay put the phone in the cupholder, and drove back to the district.

At the district. Erin got the text message, and she was worried.

"Damn..." Erin whispered.

Kim looked over at Erin, and asked.

"What's up?" Kim asked.

Erin sighed, and looked at Kim.

"Jamie has Abby's records, we looked at them last night, we found nothing, which shows abuse, and I kinda got into Jay's business, and he's now bitten my head off..." Erin explained.

Kim wasn't looking at Erin, but she was looking at Jay.

"Umm..." Kim whispered.

Erin looked over at Jay, and noticed how pale he was looking.

"Y-You got Abby's records...?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded, and started to talk.

"Jay. I-." Erin started,

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