Chapter 95

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Trigger Warning: ED Mentions, ED use.

On her way back from school, Cassie noticed a homeless man sitting on the ground.

"Any change you can spare, miss?" Joey inquired.

Cassie searched her pockets and handed him a dollar.

"Here's some water for you. Have a good day, sir," Cassie said with a smile.

Joey returned the smile and accepted the water bottle.

"Your parents raised you well!" Joey called out.

Cassie smiled and kept walking towards her home.

Twenty minutes later, Cassie entered the apartment building.

George, the doorman, noticed Cassie as she walked in.

"Good afternoon, Cassie!" George greeted with a smile.

"Hello, George!" Cassie returned the smile.

Cassie ascended the stairs and entered her apartment.

"I'm home!" she announced.

Jay entered the hall with a smile.

"Hi Sweetie! How was school?" he inquired.

Cassie dropped her bag and returned the smile.

"It was good!" she affirmed with a nod.

Jay responded with a nod of his own and gave Charlie his milk bottle.

"That's a good boy," he cooed.

Charlie gurgled in response, and Jay hoisted him onto his shoulder.

As Jay rocked back and forth, he felt the warm spill of Charlie's spit-up on his shirt.

"Good boy! Well done!" Jay praised with a smile.

Meanwhile, Cassie switched on the TV and nestled into the couch.

Jay gently placed Charlie back into his crib and covered him up with his blanket.

"Can you look after Charlie for a sec?" Jay asked.

Cassie nodded and cooed at her baby brother.

After Charlie was occupied. Jay headed towards the bathroom.

Jay locked the door and sat in front of the bowl.

After a minute. Jay put his fingers down his throat and brought his lunch up.

The vomit splashed against the bottom of the bowl, and Jay quickly flushed it away.

 Rising. He washed his hands and caught a glimpse of his ashen reflection in the mirror.

Jay dried his hands and exited the bathroom.

 A few minutes later. He entered the lounge and saw his wife and other daughter.

"Hi Baby!" Erin greeted with a smile.

Jay returned the smile with a nod.

"You alright? You look pale..." Erin murmured.

Jay nodded again and took a seat on the couch.

"Alright! Tell Daddy what you did at school, Baby," Erin encouraged with a smile.

Ashlyn beamed as she retrieved a picture from her schoolbag.

"This is awesome! It's going on the fridge!" Jay exclaimed with a smile.

Ashlyn giggled and settled next to her older sister.

Dinner time was approaching quickly. Erin dished out the fish and chips.

She heaped an equal portion onto Jay's plate, then did the same for Cassie and Ashlyn.

"Dig in!" Erin said with a smile.

Jay observed his meal and noticed his family enjoying their dinner.

"Aren't you eating, love?" Erin inquired.

Jay nodded and gently picked up the fork.

Watching Jay, Erin observed him taking small bites, which was out of character; she knew her husband usually devoured the meals she prepared.

Erin pulled up her chair and touched Jay's forehead.

"Do you feel alright? You looked quite pale when I arrived with Ashlyn," Erin inquired.

Jay nodded, offering a weak smile.

"I'm okay! Go ahead and eat before your dinner cools," Jay murmured.

Erin returned the nod and gently kissed his forehead, attempting to gauge his temperature.

The food had been eaten, and the Halstead's were settling down on the couch. 

Jay, coaxed into eating part of his dinner, was considering resuming his earlier activity before Erin's arrival home.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back," Jay said with a smile.

Erin nodded, indifferent to Jay's intentions.

Once Jay entered the bathroom, he induced vomiting.

Jay coughed violently, feeling his strength wane as his body expelled all its nutrients and sustenance.

The toilet flushed, and Jay repeated the hand-washing process.

Exiting the bathroom, Jay returned to the lounge.

"You're pale again! What makes you so pale every time you come out of the bathroom?" Erin inquired.

Jay sat down and sighed deeply.

"Maybe an upset stomach?" Jay suggested.

Erin nodded and began to softly massage Jay's abdomen.

"Does that help?" Erin inquired.

Leaning heavily on Erin's shoulder, Jay nodded.

"We'll head up to bed soon," Erin proposed.

At the mere mention of "bed," Jay's face brightened. Exhaustion had taken its toll on him.

Erin and Jay rose, and the children ascended the stairs.

Shortly after, Erin massaged Jay's stomach, alleviating some of his discomfort.

With that, Erin closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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