Chapter 96

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Erin and Jay were in the bullpen when Adam observed that Jay had lost a considerable amount of weight.

"Jay? You good? Those jeans look like they're going to slip off you..." Adam observed.

Jay glanced down and realized his legs had shrunk, and he felt diminished inside.

"Yeah, I needed to lose some weight... I may have gone a bit overboard," Jay said with a chuckle.

Adam didn't find the comment funny; he felt that something was off.

"But you're not fat? You're fit and healthy!" Kim interjected.

The barrage of questions overwhelmed Jay, leading to an outburst.


The group was taken aback and collectively decided to abandon the topic.

Erin glanced at her husband, sensing that something was amiss, and she felt uneasy about it.

Midday had arrived. The team was enjoying pizza while Jay was buried in paperwork.

Adam reached for another slice, but Erin smacked his hand away.

"Hey!" protested Adam.

Erin grabbed the slice of pizza and set it on a plate.

"You've already had three slices! Jay hasn't had any! This one's for him," Erin said quietly.

Adam nodded and leaned back in his chair.

Erin approached Jay's desk and set down the plate.

"Eat. Lunch. Not paperwork," she commanded.

Jay looked up, shaking his head.

"I need to finish this paperwork, or Crowley will be on my case," Jay replied.

Erin covered Jay's hand and shut down his computer.

"Crowley can wait. You're going to eat this slice of pizza, and if it's left untouched, I'll make sure you eat it," Erin said firmly.

With a sigh, Jay picked up the slice of pizza.

Taking a nibble, Jay groaned at the sensation that he might have to force it back up later.

Erin glanced over and saw that Jay had left an entire slice of pizza untouched.

"Damn..." Erin murmured under her breath.

Kim looked up and wiped her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Kim inquired.

Erin set the uneaten pizza on the table.

"There's something off with my husband. I really don't like it..." Erin confided.

When Erin referred to Jay as "Husband," the unit understood the gravity of the situation.

Erin returned to her desk and resumed her paperwork.

As soon as everyone's attention was elsewhere, Adam swiped the slice of pizza.

Adam caught his wife's disapproving look.

"What? It's not like Jay's going to eat it," Adam justified.

Antonio stood and picked up his bottle.

"I'm going to refill my bottle," Antonio announced.

The unit nodded, and Antonio made his way to the locker room.

Antonio swung the door open and immediately noticed Jay retching into the toilet.

"Jay?" Antonio called out.

Jay's head jerked up, realizing he'd been discovered.

"It's not what it looks like..." Jay stammered.

Antonio stood in shock, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"You're making yourself vomit? Do you have an eating disorder?" Antonio inquired.

Jay rose and approached him.

"Maybe? Listen! You can't tell Erin..." Jay murmured.

Antonio folded his arms, eyeing Jay intently.

"How long has this been happening? Days? Weeks? Months?" Antonio probed.

Jay exhaled deeply and confessed.

"I started yesterday... You can't tell Erin, Antonio!" Jay implored.

Antonio exhaled and relaxed his stance.

"Alright! But if I catch you doing this again, I'm telling Erin the truth..." Antonio warned.

Jay nodded in agreement.

"I assure you, it won't happen again!" Jay vowed.

With a nod, Antonio exited the locker room.

Once alone, Jay took a deep breath. His secret was out, and his struggle with an eating disorder was now known.

Jay emerged from the locker room and approached the unit.

"Hey! Antonio mentioned you were throwing up. Got another tummy bug?" Erin inquired.

Jay glanced at Antonio, who returned the look.

"Yeah, something must be disagreeing with my stomach..." Jay exhaled.

Erin patted Jay's shoulder, oblivious to the actual reason behind Jay's supposed "stomach bug."

Erin and Jay settled into bed when Jay received a message from Antonio.

A. Dawson:

You have two days to tell Erin.

Otherwise, I will.

Jay read the message and set his phone aside.

The secret had become an ultimatum. Jay was now faced with a decision.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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