Chapter 72

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Trigger Warning: S3LF H8ARM

Jay, Ashlyn, and Cassie were at the supermarket, picking up groceries.

"Daddy, can I get another toy truck?" Ashlyn asked.

Jay halted the trolley and turned to Ashlyn.

"What's wrong with Rupert?" he inquired, referring to her current truck.

Ashlyn pouted and crossed her arms.

"How about this? Christmas is on the way. If you wait, I'll get it for you then," Jay proposed.

Ashlyn's giggle bubbled up, and she nodded in agreement.

"Dad? Can I have this for school?" Cassie asked.

Jay examined the bottle's contents.

"You're allergic to hair soap, sweetheart," Jay reminded her.

Cassie sighed and returned the bottle to the shelf.

"Let's go, Ashlyn!" Jay called out.

After calling her name again, Jay realized Ashlyn was missing.

"Ashlyn? Ashlyn! Where are you?" he called frantically.

Turning to his eldest daughter, he commanded, "Search all the aisles Ashlyn might be in! Now!"

Cassie nodded and dashed towards the toy section.

"ASHLYN!" Jay's voice echoed.

He quickly pulled out his phone and spoke firmly, "This is Detective Jay Halstead, badge number 51163. My three-year-old daughter is missing. I need backup at the Whole Foods on 5th Street."

Jay sighed and noticed Cassie running back alone.

"She's not down any of the aisles!" Cassie exclaimed.

Jay sighed and surveyed the area.

The unit arrived shortly, and Jay was conversing with a patrol officer.

"Are you deaf? She's only three! Last seen in dungarees and bunny hop leggings," Jay snapped.

Anna took notes and faced Jay.

"Do not raise your voice at me, sir," Anna commanded.

This infuriated Jay.

"It's 'Detective,' and I'm just getting started with you..." Jay warned.

Anna handcuffed Jay and pushed him against the car.

"Whoa! Whoa! Intelligence. Sergeant Hank Voight. Let my detective go!" Hank ordered.

Anna disregarded Hank's order and shoved Jay into the car.

"Didn't you hear him? Let his detective go. Now," Antonio demanded.

Anna exhaled and released Jay from the cuffs.

"That was uncalled for... I can handle my own fights..." Jay snapped back.

Hank extricated Jay from the patrol car, asserting,

"I know you can. I'm just ensuring you remain in control!" Hank proclaimed.

Jay massaged his wrists, and Erin hurried to embrace him.

"Whoa! It's okay. I've got you..." Jay comforted.

Erin held Jay close, softly caressing his back.

Hours later, the team convened at Erin and Jay's apartment.

Erin gently massaged Jay's neck while he rested in her lap, easing his tight belt.

"Everything will be alright," she whispered soothingly.

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