Chapter 115

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A week had passed since the children returned to Erin and Jay's care, and things were progressing smoothly.

While Jay, Cassie, and Ashlyn were en route to the supermarket, Jay began to experience a dull ache at the front of his head.

At a red stop sign, Jay applied the brakes and rested his head on the steering wheel.

Cassie was busy texting her friends on her phone when Ashlyn observed their dad's posture.

"Sis?" Ashlyn whispered.

Cassie glanced up and nodded.

"Daddy's asleep," Ashlyn murmured.

Cassie sat up straighter and reached out to check Jay's neck.

"He might have a headache. Let's leave him alone for now. I'll message mom if his condition worsens," Cassie suggested.

Ashlyn nodded in agreement and resumed playing with her toy truck.

When the light turned green, Jay drove into the supermarket parking lot and parked.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and cheerfully said, "Out you get, kiddos!"

Cassie opened the door, and Ashlyn followed suit.

With a trolley in hand, Jay entered the supermarket.

Cassie noticed her father's illness; he was shaking and looked pale. "Daddy, can I get a new toy truck?" Ashlyn inquired.

Jay, pinching the bridge of his nose, shook his head. "Not now. I wanna pick up the groceries and head home," he replied.

Ashlyn nodded, grasping Cassie's hand. "Let's not push Dad today. He needs to stay calm; stress will only make his headache worse," Cassie whispered.

Jay put the needed groceries into the trolley and walked towards the payout point.

In the car. Jay was trying to keep his tears at bay, but he couldn't see straight.

Cassie was getting worried and she sent a text to her mom.

To Mom:
Dad is unwell; he's crying, and his vision is blurry.

Erin picked her phone up and noticed it was message from Cassie.

"Dammit!" Erin sighed.

Kim looked up and spoke.

"What's up?" Kim asked.

Erin texted Cassie back and explained.

"Cassie's texted me. Jay's not well. He's losing his focus and I think he has a migraine...?" Erin explained.

Kim nodded and continued washing up the dishes.

To Cassie:
Is he dozing off at the wheel? Is he safe to drive home without causing an accident?

Cassie looked at Jay and noticed they were nearly home.

To Mom:
He looks alright
We're at the turning for the apartment...

Erin took a breath and smiled.

To Cassie:
Good! I'll see you soon!

Cassie slipped her phone into her pocket and stepped out of the truck.

"Ashlyn? Go get the groceries out of the trunk; I'll help dad out of the truck" Cassie called out.

Ashlyn nodded, reached into the trunk, and retrieved the lightweight bag.

"Come on, Dad... Mom's inside. She'll take care of you," Cassie reassured.

Jay leaned on Cassie's shoulder as she guided him toward the apartment.

"Wait for me!" Ashlyn called out.

Ashlyn toddled over and clutched Cassie's hand.

Cassie knocked on the door and awaited its opening.

The door clicked open to reveal Hank.

"Hi, kiddos! Come in!" Hank greeted with a smile.

Cassie entered, still supporting Jay, while Ashlyn nearly stumbled over a grocery bag.

"Whoa! Let me help you with that, kiddo," Adam chuckled softly.

Ashlyn took a heavy breath and settled on the couch.

"God, babe," Erin whispered.

Erin drew Jay into her embrace and eased him onto the couch.

"Yo, Erin! Where do these go?" Adam inquired.

Erin moved to assist, but Jay slumped against her.

"I've got this! Take care of Jay," Kim assured with a nod.

Erin nodded, and Jay's head tilted back against the couch.

"Whoa, easy, baby. It's time for bed," Erin suggested gently.

Erin hoisted Jay into her embrace, carefully positioning his head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry! Lean on me. Just let your head rest on my shoulder. I've got you. I might seem petite, but I'm stronger than I look!" Erin comforted.

Jay chuckled quietly and encircled Erin's waist with his arms.

Erin gently settled Jay onto her lap as he wept quietly.

 She leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead.

"It's alright, just be calm and let it all out. You've endured a lot this week; you must be weary and in pain. It's alright. You looked after me the entire day yesterday, and now it's my turn to look after you," Erin comforted.

Jay cried while Erin placed a soothing hand beneath his shirt.

"Your burning up, babe. Let's get you in a nice cool shower..." Erin suggested.

Erin sat Jay up and he followed her into the bathroom.

After a while, Jay lay on Erin's lap once more as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Erin hummed a soft lullaby, the same one Jay's mother had sung to him as a baby.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away," Erin sang gently.

The serenity in Erin's voice lulled Jay into a peaceful slumber, his eyes gradually closing.

Erin set the comb aside and gently kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, baby. I love you so much..." she whispered.

The door burst open. Ashlyn entered, chattering away, oblivious to Jay's slumber.

"Honey? Keep it down. Daddy's asleep. Let's not wake him..." Erin said softly.

Ashlyn whispered an apology and lay down in her bed.

After Awhile. Everyone was fast asleep.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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