Chapter 105

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Three weeks had passed since Erin discovered her pregnancy, and now she was due for a scan.

Erin sat in the waiting area, Jay by her side.

"Erin Lindsay?" called Sarah.

Erin and Jay rose, heading toward the hospital floor's entrance.

"Just in here," Sarah said with a smile.

Erin gave Jay her coat and bag, then lay on the examination bed.

"How are we feeling today?" inquired Sarah.

"Tired, grouchy, and eager to see my baby," Erin replied, smiling.

Sarah lifted Erin's shirt and applied gel to her belly.

"Shall we take a look at your baby?" Sarah whispered.

She activated the screen and moved the wand across Erin's stomach.

The baby appeared on the screen, but Sarah noticed something concerning.

"Excuse me for a moment," Sarah said, setting the wand down.

She exited, drawing the curtains behind her.

"Something's wrong," Erin murmured.

"That's not certain," Jay whispered back.

Erin nodded, convinced of her intuition.

"I can tell something's off. Did you notice the nurse's expression?" Erin questioned.

Jay grasped Erin's hand, offering comfort.

The curtains parted, and Hannah entered.

"Hi, Detectives! Let's find out what's happening," Hannah proposed.

She conducted the scan and observed the same anomaly the nurse had.

Hannah watched as the nurse, having been told to leave, exited the room.

 Once alone, she seated herself and looked at Erin and Jay.

"What's happening?" Erin inquired.

Hannah exhaled deeply and removed the gel from Erin's abdomen.

"After examining the baby. I've noticed some abnormalities. They could indicate a variety of things..." Hannah started to explain.

Erin and Jay nodded, and then Jay spoke up. "Don't beat around the bush, Hannah," he said.

Hannah nodded in agreement and proceeded to get straight to the point.

"In the scan, it's confirmed that you have placental previa," Hannah admitted.

Erin gasped and clutched Jay's hand tightly.

"Placental previa? Isn't that dangerous for both the baby and the mother?" Jay inquired.

Hannah nodded and proceeded to explain further.

"It can be. The best course to prevent a fatal delivery would be to terminate the pregnancy," Hannah replied. 

Erin shook her head and stated. "Nope! No! No way!"

Jay gazed at Erin, attempting to form words.

"Er-." Jay began.

Tears streamed down Erin's cheeks as she met his gaze.

"No, Jay! I won't abort my child!" Erin declared, shaking her head.

Hannah intervened to defuse the tension.

"That's not the only option we have! A C-section is risky, but it could ensure a good life expectancy for both Erin and baby," Hannah clarified.

Erin and Jay nodded in response.

"Are there medications? What will stop this from happening?" Erin inquired.

Hannah shook her head, sighing.

"No, unfortunately not. However, we do have medication that can assist with any bleeding or cramps, should they occur," Hannah reassured them.

Erin and Jay nodded, then stood up.

"Thank you for your time," Erin said with a smile.

Hannah nodded in return and bid them farewell.

As Erin and Jay walked out of the room, Erin began to sob.

"Oh, baby," Jay sniffled.

He wrapped Erin in his arms and rocked her gently.

"Come on, let's go home," Jay said with a soft smile.

Erin nodded and they left the medical facility.

Later, Erin and Jay lay in bed, watching some cheesy romantic comedies.

"This is the part where he runs into the tree," Jay began.

But Erin had fallen asleep, and Jay smiled tenderly.

"Goodnight, baby," he whispered.

Jay laid down and pulled the duvet over himself and Erin.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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