Chapter 60

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The unit was at the district until Erin and Jay entered the bullpen.

Hank, in his office with Grissom, noticed Jay.

"Halstead?! Come here a sec...?" Hank called out.

Jay approached and entered the office.

"What's going on...? Why is the Commander here?" Jay inquired.

Hank sighed, and Grissom took over.

"Your brother, Gregory?" Grissom began.

"His name's Mouse... What about him?" Jay asked.

Grissom sighed, not mincing words.

"Mouse died on impact when their plane went down. There were no survivors..." Grissom stated.

Tears filled Jay's eyes, and his heart plummeted.

"M-Mouse... D-Dead...?" Jay murmured.

Hank and Grissom exchanged a look, then turned to Jay.

"I-I can't b-breathe..." Jay struggled.

Hank rushed over and embraced Jay gently.

"Deep breaths, kiddo. In through the nose, out through the mouth..." Hank coached.

Jay closed his eyes and wept.

"M-Mouse is dead...!" Jay cried out.

Hank drew Jay close, rocking him gently.

"I know, kiddo. I know..." Hank comforted.

Erin entered the office and took in the scene.

"Oh. W-What happened?" Erin murmured.

Hank looked up and quietly led Erin outside.

"Mouse is gone... Jay needs a moment to calm down..." Hank whispered.

Erin nodded and exited the office.

"M-Mouse is gone..." Erin repeated softly.

Shock registered on the faces of the unit; their best friend was gone.

Hank emerged from the office, carrying a sleeping Jay.

"He passed out after he stopped crying. I'll lay him down in the breakroom..." Hank resolved.

The unit nodded in agreement, and Hank laid Jay down in the breakroom to rest.

Hank returned from the breakroom, and looked at the unit.

"We will all support Jay through Mouse's passing... Let's be there for him," Hank directed.

The unit members all nodded and began to review their Ci Files.

Jay was alert in the breakroom, browsing through all the photos he and Mouse had taken.

The door swung open, revealing Erin.

"Hi Baby..." Erin cooed.

Jay gazed upward, fighting back his tears.

"He's gone... Erin." Jay said, his voice breaking with a sniffle.

Erin's lips pursed in a pout as she walked over to her husband, who was sobbing.

"Come here, baby. Let me hold you," Erin whispered softly.

Jay nestled into Erin's embrace and let out a contented sigh.

"Do you want to go home and get some proper rest?" Erin inquired.

Jay sniffled, and accepted the suggestion.

Later on, Erin and Jay returned home, and Erin carefully tucked her sleeping husband into bed and drew the duvet over him.

Erin leaned over and kissed Jay's head.

"I'm here, babe. You can vent to me..." Erin reassured.

Then, Erin climbed into bed as well and fell asleep.

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~Stay safe!! 🙂

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