Chapter 174

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The first part of this chapter is gonna start off like an episode of One Tree Hill. The rest of the story is going to be like a show I've been watching!

Hailey and Ally were setting off for a girls' night out, which included a stay at a cabin in Milton Keynes.

"Be safe!" Erin called out.

Ally responded with a smile and a nod.

"We will!" Hailey affirmed with a nod of her own.

The two friends then hopped into the taxi and waved farewell.

"BYEEEE!" Came Adam's enthusiastic shout.

Erin and Jay laughed and walked into the apartment.

After Awhile, Ally and Hailey entered the cabin, and Hailey underwent a complete change.

Ally approached the table and took a seat.

"This is so nice," Ally said with a smile.

Hailey nodded, her arms crossed.

"What...?" inquired Ally.

With a smirk, Hailey leaned forward.

"You know what you did," Hailey murmured.

Ally, puzzled, responded, "What did I do?"

Hailey stood up, twirling a pair of scissors in her hand."

"You killed Ben, didn't you?" Hailey began.

Ally rose to her feet and retorted sharply.

"Hailey, I don't know what you've consumed, but you're not thinking clearly," Ally insisted.

Hailey walked forward and jabbed the pair of scissors into Ally's back.

"A-Ahh..." Ally groaned.

Hailey let go of the scissors and smirked.

"Now. You'll know how Ben felt when you killed him..." Hailey whispered.

Ally took shallow gasps and collapsed to the floor.

"Have a nice night..." Hailey snarled, as she walked toward the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Meanwhile, Ally laid on the ground, bleeding out.

Hailey climbed into bed and drifted off with a smirk still gracing her face.

As morning dawned, the Halsteads were already stirring, and Jay was attempting to reach Ally.

Erin handed Cassie her schoolbag and neatly plaited Ashlyn's hair.

"You ready, babe?" Erin asked.

Jay gave his chin a thoughtful scratch and gave a nod.

"Yeah. Any word from Ally or Hailey?" He questioned.

Erin shook her head as she replied.

"Got a text from Ally; they made it to the cabin alright. Something on your mind?" She probed.

Jay gave a nonchalant shrug and stowed his phone away.

"Just odd not hearing from them. Ally usually doesn't just leave my messages hanging..." He mused.

Erin offered a reassuring nod and a gentle rub on Jay's shoulder.

"Don't worry, she'll get in touch, babe..." She murmured soothingly.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Jay stepped out of the apartment.

Hailey, in the cabin, concealed Ally's body in the lake.

"Done and dusted," Hailey whispered to herself.

She then drove back, re-entered the cabin, and closed the door behind her.

Jay was still trying to contact Ally and was getting worried when she wasn't answering.

Hope your okay?

Text me please...


Answer me!


Jay let out a heavy sigh, and Hank gave his detective the side-eye.

"Planning to crack the case, or just crack your love life?" Hank quipped.

Jay glanced up, sheepish.

"Oops, my bad, Hank..." Another sigh from Jay.

With a knowing nod, Hank retreated to his office.

"Jay, the girls are having a good time! Stop being a party pooper!" Erin chided.

Jay gave a reluctant nod, sensing that the plot was about to thicken.

Inside the cabin, Hailey was busy packing and awaiting her taxi.

The taxi arrived, and the driver, rolling down his window, inquired, "You Hailey?"

Approaching, Hailey nodded and affirmed with a smile, "Yes, I am!"

She climbed into the taxi and fastened her seatbelt.

As the taxi departed, making its way to the airport, Jay was attempting to reach Ally via text, to no avail.

"Ally? It's Jay! Call me when you get this..." He insisted.

With a sigh, Jay snapped his phone shut.

Erin walked into the bedroom and got behind Jay and massaged his shoulders.

"Why are you doing that...?" Jay asked.

Erin smiled softly and kissed Jay's head.

"Is it a crime for a wife to pamper her husband with a shoulder rub?" Erin inquired with a playful tone.

Jay let out a resigned sigh and averted his gaze.

"Trust me, just shut your eyes," Erin coaxed softly.

Jay shut his eyes and let out a soft moan.

"See! Your liking it..." Erin whispered.

Jay smirked and nodded.

"The team are coming over tomorrow. It's your birthday!" Erin exclaimed.

Jay giggled and pulled Erin onto his lap.

Later. Hailey arrived back into Chicago.

Hailey paid the driver and got out of the taxi.

"Thanks..." Hailey whispered.

Hailey shut the door and breathed in the air.

The taxi drove off and Hailey walked into her apartment.

Johnny was inside and he welcomed his wife inside.

"Hi Baby!" Johnny smiled.

Hailey smiled and hugged her husband.

"I made some dinner!" Johnny smiled.

Hailey nodded and walked into the kitchen.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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