Chapter 119

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The team gathered at Erin and Jay's apartment. In the bedroom, Jay was getting ready.

Adam took a sip of his coffee before speaking.

"How's Jay doing?" Erin inquired.

With a sigh, Erin hoisted Nadia onto her shoulder and gently patted her back.

"It's been a week, but Jay is still using my concealer to cover up the tattoo," Erin said with another sigh.

Adam nodded, continuing to sip his coffee.

In the bedroom, Jay applied concealer over his tattoo, tears welling up in his eyes.

Jay returned the concealer to Erin's makeup bag and fastened his jeans.

Making his way to the kitchen, he caught the unit's attention.

"Hey!" greeted Kevin with a smile.

Jay returned the gesture and approached Erin.

"Hi Babe," he said warmly.

Erin smiled back, and Jay turned to Nadia.

"Hi Sweet Baby," he cooed.

Nadia responded with a gurgle, prompting Erin to pass her to Jay.

"I need to get ready," Erin whispered.

Understanding, Jay glanced at Erin.

"Are we visiting Cassie's school?" he inquired.

"Yes, we have to talk to her teacher about next week," Erin reminded him.

Jay nodded just as Nadia began to cry.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Daddy's here," Jay comforted.

Nadia's cries grew more intense, causing Jay's heart to ache.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" Jay asked gently.

Nadia continued to cry, and Jay became concerned.

"Nadia, did you wet your diaper?" Jay inquired.

He checked Nadia's diaper, but it was dry.

"Could she be tired?" Hank suggested.

Jay shook his head. "No, she had a good sleep. Erin even had to wake her up," he responded.

Hank nodded, yet Nadia's crying persisted.

"Nadia, what do you need? Toys? Sleep?" Jay sighed with uncertainty.

Nadia continued to cry and scream.

"Kim, could you take her?" Jay asked.

Kim nodded and took Nadia into her arms.

"Where are you going?" inquired Adam.

Jay snatched his coat and opened the door.

"What's the point of me staying? My own daughter doesn't even like me!" Jay declared.

The unit glanced over and saw Kim comforting Nadia.

Tears welled up in Jay's eyes; his day had taken a turn for the worse.

"Great, she prefers her aunt over me..." Jay's voice cracked as he spoke.

He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him.

Erin, puzzled, asked, "What happened? Where did Jay go?"

The room filled with a collective sigh before Kim responded.

"Nadia just wouldn't calm down with Jay, no matter what he did. He lost his temper when she finally settled in my arms instead." Kim explained.

Erin sighed and tried dialing Jay's number.

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