Chapter 17

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Erin and Jay were back to normal, they were partners again, and they were doing very well at keeping their relationship under the wraps.

The unit were all waiting for Erin to get back from their favourite cake shop - Goodies Bakery.

Adam was getting hungry, but he forgot that he had a sandwich, awhile back.

"Ugh! When's Lindsay gonna be back? He's been gone ages!" Adam groaned.

Kim looked at Adam, and made a point.

"You literally had a sandwich two hours ago? Your still hungry?" Kim asked.

The unit all looked at Adam, and giggled.

Adam blushed, and looked down.

After a few minutes. Jay's radio crackled.

"All units in the citywide, and all units in the area. CFD in need of assistance. 3000 Washington Street." Dispatch radioed.

Jay got up, as well as the unit.

"Isn't that-..." Antonio started.

Jay grabbed his coat, and finished the sentence.

"Erin's location..." Jay whispered.

The unit all ran downstairs, and Hank followed.

Jay and Hank arrived at the location, and got out first.

"Holy Hell..." Adam whispered.

Jay ran over, and noticed Erin's truck.

"ERIN!" Jay shouted.

Stella and Matt were trying to extricate Erin from the truck.

"Brett! We need you over here!" Matt called.

Brett ran over, and got behind Erin.

"Violet! I need a Neck and C-Collar." Brett called.

"On it!" Violet copied.

Brett held Erin's head, keeping it steady.

"How long till we can extricate her?" Hank asked.

Kelly looked at Hank, and sighed.

"Casey's trying to get Erin out smoothly, as possible. It's a long road..."Kelly explained.

Matt managed to free the part, which was stopping Erin from getting out.

"She's clear! Let's get her out!" Matt ordered.

Everyone pulled Jay's unconscious body out, and lied her on the backboard.

Brett and Violet placed Erin onto the stretcher, and Brett decided whether intubation was needed.

"She's not protecting her airway. We need to intubate!" Brett ordered.

Violet handed the intubation kit over, and helped if she was needed.

As Brett placed the breathing tube down Erin's throat. Violet checked for lung sounds.

"Your in." Violet confirmed.

Brett nodded, and oxygenated Erin.

"Let's get her to Med." Brett instructed.

Violet wheeled Erin into the ambulance, and Jay got in.

"We'll see you at Med!" Hank nodded.

Jay nodded, and held onto Erin's hand.

The doors slammed shut, and Hank patted the door.

Brett drove off, and put her sirens on.

"This is Ambulance 61 to Med. We've got a CPD Officer with several injuries, have a bed ready for us at the doors. We're coming in hot!" Brett radioed.

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