Chapter 108

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Erin and Jay were sleeping soundly until Ashlyn burst into the room.

"MAMA! DADA!" Ashlyn yelled.

Startled, Erin and Jay woke up, and Jay tumbled out of bed.

"What? What's happening?" Erin inquired.

Ashlyn climbed onto the bed and clung to Erin.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" Erin questioned.

Jay climbed back into bed and exhaled deeply.

"What happened?" Jay inquired.

Erin gave a smirk and glanced at Jay.

"You fell out of bed?" Erin teased.

Jay returned the smirk and shook his head.

"Not 'then'—what's happening now?" Jay questioned.

Erin gave a nonchalant shrug and gently rubbed Ashlyn's back.

"She's asleep now. Maybe it was a nightmare?" Erin suggested softly.

Jay agreed with a nod and settled back against the pillows.

Erin lay against the pillows, Ashlyn resting gently on her lap.

"Ugh! Bean's awake now..." Erin groaned.

Jay mumbled sleepily and cradled Ashlyn in his arms.

"Mama..." Ashlyn babbled.

Jay hushed Ashlyn gently and patted her back.

"Shush, shush. Mama's just gone to the bathroom, sweetie. I'm here. Daddy's here..." Jay soothed.

Ashlyn nestled into her father's warmth and drifted back to sleep.

Once Ashlyn was asleep, Jay also succumbed to slumber.

Emerging from the bathroom, Erin observed her husband and younger daughter, both sound asleep.

Erin smiled as she climbed into bed, stirring Jay from his slumber.

"Erin...?" Jay murmured sleepily.

Erin turned to him and hushed him softly.

"Shh. You're half-asleep. Go on, fall back asleep," Erin soothed in a whisper.

Jay's eyes fluttered shut, and he drifted off once more.

After Jay fell asleep, Erin attempted to do the same. 

She sat up and flipped through the channels. 

Once the movies had finished, Erin positioned Jay's head on her lap and gently stroked his hair, which lulled him into an even deeper slumber and helped her drift off to sleep as well.

Erin was deep in sleep when Jay began to shuffle and breathe heavily.

"Babe? Jay? Breathe with me..." Erin coaxed.

Jay attempted to kick the covers off, feeling trapped.

"I-I feel... t-trapped..." Jay managed to gasp out.

Erin rose from the bed and stripped away the duvets.

"It's okay, the duvets are off now," Erin comforted.

Jay sat upright, his breaths shallow.

"Babe? Baby, you're having a panic attack," Erin observed.

Jay's hand moved to his tightening chest.

"No, no. Don't touch your chest; it'll only agitate you more. Hold my hand, and breathe slowly and deeply," Erin guided.

Ashlyn awoke abruptly to the sound of ragged breathing.

"DADDY!" She yelled, unaware that the word 'daddy' triggered memories of the army.

Jay broke into sobs and his heart rate went quicker.

"Jay? Your in Chicago. Your not in Afghanistan. Your here with me in our bed." Erin soothed.

Jay closed his eyes and heard Erin's words echo in his mind.

"You're in Chicago. You're with me. You're in our bed," Jay replayed Erin's words in his mind.

Jay was gently brought out of his mental state and took deep breaths.

"It's alright, baby. It's alright," Erin soothed.

Jay began to sob and reached out his arms.

"Alright, sweetheart. I've got you," Erin comforted.

Erin glanced at Ashlyn, knowing she needed to calm Jay down, and that would be easier if they were alone.

"Sweetie, perhaps it's time for you to head back to your room? I need to calm daddy down," Erin said.

Ashlyn clutched her baby blanket and left the room.

Once Ashlyn had left, Erin cradled Jay's head in her lap.

Erin softly stroked Jay's forehead, observing his eyelids flutter open and shut.

"It's okay! There's no one here to judge you. It's just us in our bedroom. You can fall asleep. I'll be right here..." Erin soothed.

Jay's eyelids gradually closed as Erin gently pressed them shut with her fingers.

With the final straw drawn, Jay was deep in sleep while Erin lay against the pillows and closed her eyes.

Erin quickly drifted off to sleep and awoke at dawn.

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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