Chapter 157

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Cassie was at school, attending her English class, which wasn't her favorite subject.

"Alright! Your homework for this week is a family tree project. It's due on Friday! For those who like extra revision, there are study guides available in our resources," Miss Davis said with a smile.

As the students packed up, Cassie made her way to the door, but Miss Davis called out to her.

"Cassie? Could you stay back for a moment?" Miss Davis asked.

Cassie halted and folded her arms.

"How are you finding my class?" inquired Miss Davis.

Cassie nodded with a smile.

"Good, Miss," she replied.

Miss Davis returned the smile and nodded.

"Remember, you can always come to me if you need to talk about anything," Miss Davis reminded her.

Cassie responded with a smile and a nod.

"Excellent! Now, don't forget to do your assignment," Miss Davis encouraged.

Cassie exited the classroom, letting out a sigh.

"Hi Kiddo!" Jay greeted with a smile.

Cassie returned the smile and climbed into the truck.

"Uh-Oh! What's wrong?" Jay asked.

Cassie exhaled deeply and responded.

"It's nothing I haven't mentioned before..." Cassie murmured.

Jay acknowledged with a nod and pulled out of the parking lot.

Before long, Cassie and Jay reached home where Erin was preparing dinner.

"Hi Honey!" Erin greeted cheerfully.

Cassie set down her bag and headed to her room.

"What's going on with her?" Erin questioned.

Jay grabbed an apple and offered a nonchalant shrug.

"She left school in a bit of a mood..." Jay explained.

Erin gave a knowing nod and continued to stir the pasta.

Dinner time was approaching, and the Halstead family was gathered at the table.

Cassie had just finished her pasta and was nibbling on pizza bread.

"I have a project! It's about creating a family tree..." Cassie revealed.

Erin and Jay nodded, offering smiles of encouragement.

"Shall we work on that after dinner?" Jay suggested with a smile.

Cassie agreed with a nod and took the last sip of her cola.

Later, Erin and Jay were in the living room; Erin was feeding Nadia.

Cassie had already noted down details about her mother and sister. Next was her biological father.

"What was my biological dad like?" Cassie inquired.

A shadow fell over Jay's face, and he swallowed hard.

"Well... Your dad... he struggled to take care of you and your sister," Jay managed to say.

Cassie nodded, digesting the information.

"Is it possible to see him?" Cassie asked, hopeful.

Jay turned to Erin, seeking support.

"No, sweetheart," Erin said softly.

Cassie's expression turned to one of confusion.

"Why not?" She pressed.

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