Chapter 32

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The unit soon arrived at Erin and Jay's apartment, and was looking at any evidence they could find.

Jay was sitting on the bed, holding Erin's light pink sweatshirt, which she wore everyday.

"Detective Halstead? Ed Tucker." Ed introduced.

Jay got up, and crossed his arms.

"I know who you are. What are you doing to find my partner?" Jay asked.

Ed sighed, and Hailey came into the room.

"Hi. I'm Detective Upton. I'm leading your girlfriend's case." Hailey spoke up.

The unit all looked at Jay, who had an unreadable expression.

"Your on my girlfriend's case? When you tried snogging me?" Jay questioned.

Hailey looked down, and looked back up.

"That's in the past. Let's concentrate on finding your girlfriend. Shall we?" Hailey asked.

Jay walked away, and looked at Erin's picture, with the girls.

"Just. Find her. Please...?" Jay begged.

Hailey nodded, and walked over to her unit.

"We'll find her..." Adam reassured.

Jay nodded, and sat on the bed.

"Just want her back..." Jay mumbled.

The unit all hugged Jay, and comforted him.

Erin was in a basement with lots of poles, and she was tied to one of them.

"HELP! I NEED SOME HELP!" Erin shouted.

The door swung open, revealing the notorious, violent criminal - Yates.

"Well. Well. Your awake..." Yates smiled.

Erin tried breaking free, but it felt impossible.

"Yeah. The ties are a little tight, didn't want you escaping..." Yates laughed.

Erin looked at the floor, and looked at Yates.'

"What do you want? Money? Sex? Why'd you kidnap me?" Erin asked.

Yates sat down, and explained.

"I couldn't kidnap pretty boy, he was too hard to find, so I took you instead." Yates clapped his hands once.

Erin groaned, and lied her against the cold pole.

"See you later. Erin..." Yates smirked.

Yates walked out of the room, and locked the door.

Erin was running out of options, and time, she had no idea, how long she could live without food. It was losing battle.

The unit were trying their hardest to find their best friend, they had met Erin's abductor, but he never had Erin in the van, so they were back to square one.

"Alright! I got nothing!" Kim called out.

"All I got is. A pizza order, a cola, and packets of chips. Nothing useful." Adam explained.

Jay was in the breakroom, speaking to internal affairs.

"No! She was meant to be here hours ago! What's taking so long!" Jay argued.

Jay paced the locker room, and was shouting orders through the phone.

"Well. I suggest you get off your lazy ass, and find my partner!" Jay ordered.

Jay ended the phone call, and smashed the cup he was holding.

The cup smashed to little pieces, and Jay leant against the sink.

Adam walked into the breakroom, and walked over to Jay.

"You okay?" Adam asked.

Jay rubbed a hand over his eyes, and shrugged.

"I don't know...? We have to do something..." Jay's voice cracked.

Adam squeezed Jay's shoulder, and hugged him tightly.

"We're doing everything we can to find her. I promise..." Adam promised.

Jay nodded, and wiped his face, which were painted with tears.

"Come on, Kim might have something..." Adam suggested.

Adam and Jay walked out of the breakroom, and walked over to Kim's desk.

"So, I was replaying all the footage, and I noticed this..." Kim started.

Adam and Jay watched closely, and that's when Jay noticed the only person, who made his life hell.

"That's Yates..." Jay whispered.

Kim agreed, and brought her screen back to her.

"Have you got an address?" Antonio asked.

Kim looked at the address, and nodded.

"Yep! The 600 block of 5th. Last location on Yates's card was at that location." Kim explained.

The unit all stood up, and Hank followed them downstairs.

Erin was still at the basement, and she was struggling to stay conscious.

"I-I'm so sorry. Jay..." Erin whispered.

Erin soon fell unconscious, and her lifeless body, was now in the hands of Yates.

The unit arrived at address, and spotted a blue van.

"OVER THERE!" Jay screamed.

Everyone ran over to the blue van, and looked inside.

The Van was empty, but it had one of Erin's items, which Jay seemed to notice.

Jay picked up the charm bracelet, and noticed a house.

"She could be in that house!" Jay suggested.

The unit all agreed, and ran over to the house.

Jay soon arrived at the house, and noticed Erin laying limply on the floor.

"ERIN!" Jay shouted.

Hank handed Jay a crowbar, and he pried the door open.

The door made a slight creak, but other than that it was silent.

Jay walked in first, and booted the locked door open.

Yates was unbuckling his jeans, and Jay ran in.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Jay screamed.

Jay pushed Yates onto the floor, and held him down.

"She was begging for it..." Yates licked his lips.

Kim cuffed Yates, and pulled him up.

"Erin? Baby? CALL A BUS!" Jay shouted out.

Jay shook Erin's shoulders, and she soon woke up.

"J-Jay...?" Erin mumbled.

Jay nodded, and held Erin tightly.

"Yeah! I'm here. Babe. I'm here..." Jay soothed.

Erin grabbed Jay tightly, and sobbed in his arms.

"Oh. My baby..." Jay whispered.

The unit all stood there watching the scene unfold, they were happy.

Erin was soon at Med, and was asleep in Jay's arms, who was asleep already.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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