Chapter 12

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The unit were at the bullpen, and Jay marched up the stairs, looking panicked.

"Have you heard from Melanie?" Jay asked.

Erin shook her head, and stood up.

"She's not answering her phone..." Jay replied.

Everyone stood up, and Jay looked at Hank.

"Where's Yates?" Jay wondered.

"He should still be in lockup?" Hank answered.

Trudy walked up into the bullpen, and had news.

"Guys! Yates has escaped Riker's. He found a opening in his jailcell wall." Trudy explained.

The unit all grabbed their coats, and rushed downstairs.

Yates had Melanie in his truck, and he stopped at a rest stop.

As Yates killed the ignition. Melanie stopped shouting.

Yates pulled the tarp off Melanie's face, and looked at her.

"Aren't your lungs tired yet?" Yates asked.

Melanie looked at Yates, and spat in his face.

"I'm gonna let that one slide. Next time. You won't be so lucky..." Yates threatened.

That didn't stop Melanie, but deep down, she was terrified.

"When Voight finds out you've escaped, he'll hunt you down..." Melanie promised.

Yates put the tape back on Melanie's mouth, quieting her down.

"Enough small talk." Yates smiled.

Yates got out of the truck, and slammed the door.

After a few minutes. Yates walked to the checkout point.

Luna scanned the items, and was confused why Yates had so many ropes.

"You going potholing?" Luna Joked.

Yates looked up, and threatened.

"No. I've just escaped prison. You don't wanna mess with me..." Yates explained.

Luna got chills sent down her spine, and packed the items into the bag.

"Thanks for shopping at Luna's stores. Have a nice day." Luna smiled.

Yates took the bag, and exited the store.

As Yates walked out. Daniel stopped him.

"Hey! There's screaming coming from your truck." Daniel spoke up.

Yates pulled his car keys out, and looked at Daniel.

"That means she's trying to escape..." Yates started.

Daniel got the sense of dread filling his body.

"My dog. She doesn't like closed spaces..." Yates excused.

Daniel laughed along with Yates, and got back to his activity.

"Weirdo..." Yates muttered.

Yates opened the door, and got behind the wheel.

"You and Me. Are going on a little adventure!" Yates replied.

Melanie was tied up, so she couldn't get out of the truck.

"HELP! HELP ME!" Melanie shouted.

Yates turned the ignition on, and drove away.

"Tell me something about yourself. We've got a long drive..." Yates spoke again.

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