Chapter 13

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Jay was walking into the district, after stopping at Starbucks. 

As Jay walked into the district. Trudy noticed him.

"Jay!" Trudy called.

Jay had no choice, but to walk over, because he knew his sergeant would haul his ass.

"Yes?" Jay asked.

Trudy sniffled, and smiled.

"How you doing?" Trudy asked.

Jay sighed, and sipped his coffee.

"I'm fine!" Jay whispered.

Trudy nodded, and sniffled.

"I gotta get upstairs..." Jay finished.

"Okay..." Trudy sniffled.

Jay walked upstairs, and walked into the bullpen.

"Don't stop on my account..." Jay mumbled.

Antonio looked defeated, he knew his brother was hurting.

"What are you gonna do with the desk?" Kim asked.

"It's just a desk. Right? I'm not gonna stop anyone from sitting there...?" Jay explained.

The boys nodded, and Erin walked to Jay.

"Hey! How you holding up?" Erin asked.

Jay pulled his desk chair out, and sat down.

"Same as everyone else. I guess?" Jay answered.

Erin nodded, and Antonio looked at Jay.

"Where do you want us to send Melanie's things?" Antonio asked.

Jay looked at Antonio, and answered the question.

"Pat's coming over, and collecting the box." Jay responded.

Antonio nodded, and slapped the nametag on the box.

Melanie Halstead

Hank walked out of his office, and looked at Adam.

"We need you to bring someone in..." Hank started.

Adam nodded, and Jay got up as well.

"You don't have to go..." Hank reassured.

Jay shook his head, and zipped his Jacket up.

"What am I gonna do here? Sit on my ass?" Jay remarked.

The unit didn't have all words to say, as Jay left the bullpen.

"He's hurting..." Al spoke up.

Erin sighed, she was gonna help her boyfriend no matter what.

Soon. Adam and Jay were in Lincoln Park. Walking to Jake.

"Sup! Jake?!" Adam smiled.

Jake looked up from his sandwich, and sighed.

"What Y'all doing here. Man?" Jake sighed.

"You were witnessed in a murder. My friend..." Adam replied.

Jake was gonna walk away, but Jay stopped him.

"Look! I've had a stressful week. Now's not the time to piss me off..." Jay snarled.

Adam was shocked, how fast Jake stopped walking.

"Gotta bring you with me, more often." Adam smirked.

Jay didn't smirk or smile, he kept a neutral face.

"It's part of the Job. I'm only doing what I'm trained to do." Jay explained.

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