Chapter 5

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The unit were all doing their paperwork, and Jay felt a sudden pain in his right side.

Jay gently massaged his side, hoping it would ease the pain.

"You okay?" Kim asked.

Jay looked over at Kim, and nodded.

"Yeah. I think I've pulled something, and it's turned into a stitch..." Jay laughed it off.

Kim nodded, and laughed along with Jay's answer.

Halfway through the day. Jay had two paracetamols, and he had felt the pain ease a bit, but it was still throbbing.

Jay got all sweaty, and pale, making Kim notice.

"Jay? You sure your okay? Your turning pale, and your sweating..." Kim pointed out.

Jay nodded, and got to his feet, and tried walking to the breakroom.

As Jay got to the breakroom, he went to grab a cup, but dropped it.

"UGH!" Jay groaned.

Kim got up, and rushed into the breakroom.

"Jay? You okay?!" Kim asked.

Jay shook his head, and clenched his stomach.

"N-No..." Jay cried out.

Kim gently grabbed Jay's hand, and walked him out.

"We're gonna get you to Med. Hang on, buddy..." Kim whispered.

Jay walked slowly, and groaned, when he felt a stabbing pain.

"Adam! Grab your car keys, we have to take Jay to Med!" Kim responded.

Adam got up, and took his keys out of the drawer, and walked downstairs.

"Okay. There's some stairs here, we're gonna walk at your pace..." Kim reassured.

Jay held onto the banisters, and walked slowly down the stairs.

"Do you want some coffee...?" Adam asked.

Jay got his breath back, and commented.

"Do you want a slap in the face?!" Jay snapped.

Adam stayed silent, and walked downstairs.

"Here we are! What hurts the most...?" Kim asked.

Jay pointed to his right side, and cried softly.

"Okay. Adam, step on it!" Kim ordered.

Adam nodded, and turned the ignition on.

"I-It hurts. Kim..." Jay whimpered.

Kim rubbed Jay's shoulder, and whispered soothingly.

"Don't worry, we're gonna get you fixed up!" Kim smiled softly.

Adam parked outside Med, and Kim helped Jay out.

"Will!" Adam called.

Will rushed over, and noticed his pale brother.

"Damn! We need a stretcher! Get a treatment room open!" Will ordered.

Monique wheeled the stretcher over, and helped Jay onto it.

"Did he throw up? Faint?" Will asked.

Kim shook her head, and replied.

"No. I think he was close to throwing up in the breakroom...?" Kim explained.

Will nodded, and walked into Jay's hospital room.

"Let's get him gowned up, and an Iv set up!" Will instructed.

Monique took Jay's arm, and inserted the Iv needle, and Doris took Jay's other arm to put the blood pressure cuff on.

"What do you feel. Jay?" Natalie asked.

Jay closed his eyes, then reopened them. 

"Pain. Loads, and Loads of pain..." Jay mumbled.

April put the thermometer in Jay's ear, and read out the result.

"103.8." April stated.

Will nodded, and put Jay's blanket over him.

"Let's get him to the OR! Now!" Natalie ordered.

Everyone wheeled Jay's bed out, and Doris put the oxygen mask over Jay's nose and mouth.

Jay closed his eyes again, and this time, they stayed closed.

"Has he got appendicitis?" Kim asked.

"We're gonna know more, when we open him up..." Will explained.

Kim and Adam nodded, and sat on the vacant chairs.

Later on. Jay was out of surgery, and he was still feeling the effects of the sedation.

The unit were all sitting on their chairs, by his bedside.

"He looks so ill..." Erin whispered.

Will nodded, and piped up.

"He's in pain, a lot of pain..." Will replied.

Hank spoke first, and smiled.

"Wanna wake up. Kiddo?" Hank asked.

Jay's eyes moved around under his eyelids, and he stayed asleep.

"Bud? It's time to wake up..." Adam whispered.

Jay groaned, and mumbled.

"No. Don't wanna..." Jay mumbled.

Hank rubbed Jay's arm, and bargained.

"Come on. Kid, time to wake up..." Hank whispered.

Jay pulled his arm away, and groaned softly.

"N-No. Leave me alone..." Jay whispered.

Will noticed Jay getting agitated, and he looked at the unit.

"Jay's always had a difficult time coming round from sedation, he'll sleep for a little longer. I'll call you, when he's lucid enough..." Will explained.

The unit nodded, and Jay rolled over, while the nurse checked his vitals.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Antonio asked.

Will nodded, and reassured.

"Yeah! He just needs some time to come round from the sedation, it'll wear off soon..." Will reassured.

The unit all breathed relieved, that their partner was gonna be alright.

Jay had woken up previously after the side effects from the sedation wore off, and he was still feeling tired, and he ended up sleeping on Will's chest.

"Night. Baby bro..." Will whispered.

Will kissed Jay's head, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo



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