Chapter 179

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The team were all going to the local swimming pool and they were all excited.

Cassie had her bikini on and Ashlyn had her small swimsuit on with armbands.

"Looking sexy, Tiger.." Jay roared.

Erin blushed and kissed Jay on the lips.

"Mama! Mama! Watery slide!" Ashlyn babbled.

Erin and Jay laughed softly and jumped into the pool.

The team all followed and giggled with each other.

Jay swam off to the deep end and that's when his asthma started to get really high.

"H-Help!" Jay gasped.

Jay went down and got pulled into Hank's arms.

"I got you, kiddo!" Hank nodded.

Jay coughed and spluttered.

"That's Jay!" Adam called out.

Is he going to be okay?" Cassie asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"He'll be fine," Hank reassured her, keeping a firm hand on Jay's back. "Just needs a bit of time to catch his breath."

Adam fetched Jay's inhaler from his bag and handed it to Hank, who then helped Jay take a puff.

The medication seemed to work its magic, and color returned to Jay's cheeks.

"You scared us, babe," Erin said, giving Jay a gentle pat on the shoulder.

Jay managed a weak smile. "Sorry, guys. Didn't mean to kill the vibe."

"It okie. Daddy!" Ashlyn chimed in, still clutching her armbands.

The lifeguard approached, a first aid kit in hand. "Everything under control here?" he asked, scanning the scene.

Hank nodded. "Yeah, thanks. He's got asthma, but he's recovering now."

"Let's keep an eye on him for a while," the lifeguard suggested. "And maybe stay out of the deep end for today."

Erin's hands moved with practiced care, pressing gently against Jay's abdomen, feeling the tension beneath her fingers. Jay lay still, his breaths shallow and uneven, trusting in Erin's soothing touch.

"Shhh, it's okay," Erin whispered, her voice a calming balm as she continued to apply gentle pressure. "Just relax, let it all out."

Jay's discomfort was palpable, but Erin's presence was a steady anchor. With a few more retches, the last of the water was expelled, and Jay's body relaxed, the ordeal over.

Ashlyn, wide-eyed and curious, watched the scene unfold, her young mind trying to piece together the strange adult world. Adam, sensing her confusion, took her small hand in his.

"See, Ashlyn, sometimes accidents happen, and we need a little help from the people we love," Adam said, his tone soft and reassuring. "Mama's just making sure daddy is okay."

Ashlyn nodded, her grip on Adam's hand tightening. "Will daddy be alright now?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Adam smiled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Yes, sweetheart, daddy's going to be just fine. Mama's made sure of that."

As the family huddled together, the bonds of love and care were evident. They were a unit, strong and resilient, ready to face whatever challenges came their way, together.

Later, the team are back at the apartment and Jay is not feeling well at all.

Erin's voice is tender, a soothing balm in the tense air, "Just lay your head down here," she murmurs, patting her knees gently, "Let it all out, no need to hold back." Jay, with a heavy heart, gives in to the comfort offered, his sobs finding a rhythm against the softness of her support.

Erin's vigilance didn't waver as she kept a watchful eye on Jay, who now lay wrapped in the comfort of their bed. The scare at the pool had shaken her, and even the rhythmic rise and fall of Jay's chest wasn't enough to ease her worries about secondary drowning.

After a few hours, The night was still, the only sound being the occasional distant car passing by. Erin's hand found Jay's in the darkness, a silent promise of her presence. But as the hours ticked by, a sudden cry shattered the silence.

Jay's body tensed, a sharp gasp escaping him as he clutched at his stomach. "Erin," he choked out, his voice laced with pain.

Instantly alert, Erin switched on the bedside lamp and turned to him, her eyes searching his face. "Jay, what is it? Talk to me," she urged, her hands already on his shoulders, steadying him.

"It's my stomach... feels like it's twisting," Jay managed to say between gritted teeth.

Erin gently massages Jay's stomach and shushes him gently.

"Shh. It'll pass in a minute..." Erin soothed.

Jay closes his eyes and falls asleep with Erin in tow.

"Back in the lion's den, huh?" a voice called out. It was Trudy Platt, her tone teasing but her eyes kind. "Don't worry, we didn't let your desk get too dusty."

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~Stay Safe 😊

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