Chapter 176

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At Ally's funeral, Jay was a bundle of nerves and exhaustion.

Jay sat on the couch beside Kim, who was engaging him in conversation.

"How are you holding up?" inquired Kim.

With a sigh and a shrug, Jay murmured, "I don't know..."

As Kim stroked Jay's leg, she too let out a sigh.

"Actually, I'm not sure anymore..." Jay's voice broke.

Erin approached and enveloped Jay in a comforting embrace.

"Come here, love, let it all out. I'm here for you," Erin murmured with a soothing tone.

Jay wrapped his arm around Erin, weaving his fingers through her soft hair.

"Let's get you into your suit. I'll help you," Erin offered gently.

Together, they rose and ascended the stairs.

The team exhaled quietly, composing themselves.

Erin fastened the buttons on Jay's flannel shirt as he gazed blankly at the walls.

"Bend your head down for a moment," Erin instructed softly.

Jay rested his head against Erin's chest as she deftly slipped the tie under his collar.

"There you are," Erin said, a smile in her voice.

Jay returned the smile and stood tall.

Ten minutes passed, and Erin and Jay found themselves seated comfortably on the couch.

With a gentle touch, Erin massaged Jay's shoulder and whispered softly, "Come lie down. We still have an hour for you to catch some Z's."

Jay closed his eyes and grasped Erin's hand tightly.

"It's okay, love. It's okay..." Erin whispered soothingly.

Before long, the team arrived at the church, and Hailey was there with her family.

Jay caught sight of Hailey.

"What the hell is she doing here...?" Jay murmured under his breath.

Erin glanced over and exhaled deeply.

"I don't know, babe..." she whispered back.

Jay faced forward and stepped into the church.

"Today, we gather to mourn the passing of Ally-Marie-Carson. She was a daughter, a sister, and a girlfriend. Let us take a moment to remember her..." intoned the Priest.

Muffled sobs and tears were shared among those present.

"Now, Hailey would like to come forward and say a few words..." The Priest announced with a smile.

Hailey rose and made her way to the podium.

"I adored Ally; she was the happiest, most humorous, and loveliest girl I had ever encountered. We were celebrating my 30th birthday when she accidentally fell into the water. I'm going to miss her—" Hailey was cut off mid-sentence.

Jay rose to his feet and declared loudly,

"You're being deceived by a web of lies! Hailey is the one who killed Ally, leaving her to die in a cabin!" Jay accused vehemently.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as Hailey's father approached.

"Mind your language," Tom warned sternly.

Jay let out a derisive laugh and retorted,

"Be quiet, Father Bear," dismissing Tom with a sneer.

Erin rose to her feet and clasped Jay's hand firmly.

"No, they must hear the truth about Hailey," Jay murmured.

Approaching the stand, Jay addressed the crowd through the microphone.

"Listen up, everyone! Don't trust her lies—she abandoned my best friend in a cabin to die. You're probably wondering, 'Why would Hailey do such a thing?' I had the same question, but then I witnessed Hailey's true colors. She's a cold, heartless, murderer!" Jay declared.

Tom strode over and seized Jay by the arm.

"Ouch! What, protecting your poor, miserable, icy daughter?" Jay mocked.

With that, Tom hurled Jay out of the church and forcefully shut the doors.

Tom returned to his seat, prompting a collective sigh from the team.

"Dammit, Halstead..." Hank muttered under his breath.

Erin rose, and the team got to their feet, following her lead.

Surveying the area, they spotted Jay seated on a bench.

Erin hurried over and took a seat beside him.

"Jay?" she murmured softly.

He looked up, his eyes weary.

"Oh, kiddo..." Hank's voice was a soft echo in the background.

Gently, Erin pushed Jay's sleeve up, revealing the red marks beneath.

Jay sniffled, and Erin tenderly guided Jay's head to rest in the curve of her neck.

"It's okay. You're just tired. It's taken a toll on you..." Erin murmured softly.

She planted a gentle kiss on Jay's head and continued in a whisper.

"Let's head to the truck. You can take a nap on my lap..." Erin suggested with a nod.

Jay nodded, and Erin guided him gently towards the truck.

The team trailed behind at a leisurely pace before climbing into the vehicle.

Erin drew Jay down to her knees, gently caressing his eyes. "It's okay, sleep will come soon," she whispered soothingly.

Jay's eyes fluttered shut, and his hand dangled off the edge of the seat.

The team quickly returned to the apartment, where Erin gently brushed Jay's hair as he rested on her chest.

Erin gently turned Jay's head, pressing his face to her neck, and stroked the back of his head.

"So, would you like a braid today, or perhaps a gentle head massage?"

Jay mumbled, "Both," prompting a smile from Erin.

"Alright, I can do that," Erin murmured softly.

Erin curled her fingers and softly caressed Jay's head, whispering soothing sounds.

"What is Mama doing to Daddy?" Ashlyn asked in her innocent babble.

Kim settled Ashlyn onto her lap and answered.

"Mama is giving Daddy a gentle head rub because he's not feeling very well," Kim explained.

Ashlyn gave a nod, her attention focused on playing with her toy truck.

"I've got a stomach ache..." Jay muttered under his breath.

Erin gently slid her hand underneath Jay's shirt.

"You may be feeling a bit of gas, love," Erin murmured softly.

With gentle care, Erin massaged Jay's stomach in soothing circles and placed a soft kiss on his head.

"There, that should help settle your stomach," Erin murmured, her voice a comforting whisper.

Jay cried and clung to Erin for solace as she continued the gentle massage on his abdomen.

"Let's go upstairs, baby," Erin whispered softly.

Jay sniffled and walked upstairs with Erin.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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