Chapter 21

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The unit were all at the markets, along with their friends from Med and 51. It was great!

"Babe! Can we get this?" Erin asked.

Jay laughed, and walked over to Erin.

"Erin! We got enough ornaments..." Jay whispered.

Erin pouted, and held onto Jay's hand.

As the unit walked through the street. A car came crashing through.

Erin managed to jump out the way, but Jay managed to roll under the car.

The car crashed into the jewellery store, and glass smashed everywhere.

"ERIN! JAY!" Hank shouted.

Erin got up, and coughed.

"JAY!" Erin shouted.

Erin got up, and tried looking for her boyfriend.

"JAY! CALL OUT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Erin yelled.

Kim ran over, and looked at Erin.

"Erin! You okay? You hurt?!" Kim asked.

Erin shook her head, and coughed.

"No! Where's Jay? He's not here!" Erin panicked.

Kim sighed, and looked everywhere for her brother.

"Hey! He could've ran into a store?" Kim suggested.

Erin nodded, and ran in Kim's direction.

As Erin and Kim looked into the store, they saw no one.

"He's not here! Where the hell is he?!" Erin groaned.

Kim pulled her cell phone out, and dialled Adam.

"Yeah! I'm good! Listen! It's Jay. He's gone missing. Loop in Voight!" Kim ordered.

Adam hung up, and looked at Hank.

"Boss? It's Jay. He's missing..." Adam admitted.

Hank looked at Adam, and pulled out his radio.

"This is 5021 Adam: Emergency: I need all available at 3000 Washington. We've got multiple casualties. An an officer is missing. Send cars now!" Hank ordered.

Erin and Kim were trying to find Jay, but they got nowhere.

"Anything?" Erin asked.

"Nope! We've asked around, showed Jay's picture. No one's seen him..." Antonio explained.

Erin's heart broke into two, and that's when all the patrol cars arrived.

"We're intelligence! Our officer's been missing for approximately four hours. He has brown hair, he's wearing blue jeans,  a black hoodie, and . This is his girlfriend. Erin Lindsay." Hank introduced.

Sean nodded, and looked at Erin.

"Where were you, when the car ploughed into the street?" Sean asked.

Erin sniffled, and crossed her arms.

"W-We were looking at ornaments. By the first stall on the corner..." Erin sniffled.

Sean nodded, and wrote everything down in his notepad.

"Okay. We'll do the best we can..." Sean nodded.

"Wait! That's it? Your not gonna call anyone else? He's a Chicago Police Officer. If anything happens to him. It'll be on your head..." Hank warned.

Sean sighed, and looked at the unit.

"Look. We can't do anything unless we have probable cause, that's he's missing. He could be in a shop?" Sean explained.

Pat walked over, and showed his badge.

"My son is under a car somewhere. So, I suggest you get your head out of your ass, and find him! Now!" Pat ordered.

Sean nodded, and walked off.

"Under a car? What?" Erin whispered.

Pat sighed, and looked down.

"Yeah. I've found his cell phone, it's smashed..." Pat admitted.

Erin fell into Kim's arms, and sobbed.

"Let's find him! Fast!" Hank ordered.

Everyone walked away, and looked under all the cars.

As Erin searched. She heard a phone ring.

"GUYS! QUIET!" Erin shouted.

Everyone stopped talking, and the noise was more clearer.

"HE'S UNDER HERE!" Erin yelled.

Everyone ran over, and Hank looked under.

"He's unconscious. Let's get him out!" Hank instructed.

The unit all helped Hank pull Jay out, and he was still unconscious.

Brett and Violet ran over, and lied Jay onto the stretcher.

"Let's get him to Med!" Brett ordered.

Violet wheeled Jay towards the ambulance, and wheeled him in.

"I'm going with him!" Erin called.

Brett nodded, and started hooking Jay up to IV bags.

Erin got into the ambulance, and Hank slammed the door.

The Ambulance sped away, sirens blasting through the street.

Jay was soon in trauma, and he was now settled into a bed.

"He's pretty shaken up. Connor gave him some relaxants to help with his sore muscles..." Erin explained.

The unit nodded, and Connor walked out.

"Erin? You can see him now, he's very emotional. So, tread lightly. We don't want him to get worked up again, we've just got his vitals stable..." Connor explained.

Erin nodded, and walked into Jay's hospital room.

Jay was lying on his side, blood pressure cuff on one arm, and a pulse oximeter on his finger.

"Babe?" Erin whispered.

Jay broke into sobs, and shook.

"Oh. Jay!" Erin pouted.

Erin got onto the bed, and placed her hands on his stomach, rubbing his sides, gently.

"I got you. Baby. I'm right here..." Erin soothed.

Jay grabbed onto Erin's hands, and trembled.

"I-I-I couldn't b-breathe under t-that c-c-car..." Jay breathed out.

Erin felt sorry for her baby, she knew he must've been terrified.

"I know, you couldn't. I'm here now, and your safe...." Erin promised.

Jay closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

After Jay was out. Erin soon followed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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