Chapter 9

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The unit were at a crime scene, which was about a family being gassed.

Jay was talking to the child victim, who was sitting in the back of the ambulance.

"Do you know, who might've done this?" Jay asked.

Kat shook her head, and shivered.

"Okay. No problem, the medic's are gonna take care of you..." Jay promised.

Kat nodded, and lied on the stretcher.

As Jay walked away. Erin came over.

"Get anything?" Erin asked.

Jay shook his head, and sighed.

"I think she's too shaken up..." Jay replied.

Erin nodded, and Hank walked over.

"Let's go back to the district! We'll work the case there..." Hank ordered.

The unit nodded, and walked towards their vehicles.

Erin and Jay were at the bullpen, and Jay was on the phone with Med.

"Yep! Okay! I'll try, and find her..." Jay sighed.

Jay got off the phone, and put his jacket on.

"The new victim had just fled from Med..." Jay replied.

"Got a name?" Adam asked.

Jay nodded, and zipped his Jacket up.

"Yeah. A Charlotte Yates?" Jay replied.

The unit nodded, and Jay left the bullpen.

"So, we got a small window, but we haven't got enough evidence, which suggests that this robbery was a crew..." Adam explained.

Hank nodded, and looked at Kim.

"I spoke to my guy, he's sending the records of Charlotte's last whereabouts." Kim explained.

Hank nodded his head, and walked back into his office.

The unit focused back on the case, and tried finding any clues.

Jay arrived at Charlotte's house, and pulled out his radio.

"5021 George: I've got a possible location on intelligence's APB. 1900 West Randolph." Jay radioed.

Jay got out of his truck, and walked towards Charlotte's house.

The door clicked open. Charlotte was standing on the other side.

"Jay? Can I help you?" Charlotte asked.

Jay smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah. You left Med, when they still had tests to run...?" Jay responded.

Charlotte sighed, and apologised.

"Sorry! I couldn't be there anymore..." Charlotte apologised.

Jay reassured, and walked into the house, after being offered in.

At the district. Kim got the records, and she was now worried, as she read the name.

"Guys! My guy sent the records, and the name is Charlotte Johnson." Kim read out.

The unit all looked at Kim, and Erin got up, and walked over.

"Jay's gone to her house..." Erin whispered.

Erin tried dialling Jay, but it went to voicemail.

"Voicemail..." Erin mumbled.

Hank walked out of his office, and walked downstairs.

"Let's go!" Hank ordered.

The unit all got to their feet, and rushed downstairs.

Jay was in the kitchen, and showing Charlotte the photo array.

"Recognise any of these people?" Jay wondered.

Charlotte looked at the photos, and shook her head.

As Jay nodded, he picked his cell phone up.

Jay managed to read "Erin." before he was knocked out.

The phone slipped out of Jay's hand, as he faceplanted the table.

"Ugh!" Jay grunted.

Michael pulled Jay's head up, and put the chemical filled washcloth over Jay's face, while Andy held his wrist.

Jay tried fighting the washcloth, but it didn't good do much.

After a few minutes. Jay gave up, and fell unconscious.

Charlotte watched as Jay's eyes closed slowly, and smirked.

In the car. Erin was shouting directions at Antonio.

"Jay's truck should be down this road..." Erin replied.

Antonio noticed Jay's truck, and parked behind it.

"5021 Lincoln: Roll me an ambo. I got a possible injured officer. 1900 West Randolph." Erin radioed.

Antonio and Erin walked into the apartment, and heard nothing.

In the bedroom. Jay was slowly regaining consciousness, as he looked around.

Jay tried to move, but realised he was tied to the bedside table.

"Ugh..." Jay groaned.

Jay's legs were tied as well, so he couldn't move them either.

The door opened. Michael walked in, and noticed Jay conscious.

"Wondered when you were gonna wake up..." Michael snarled.

Jay tried moving away, but Michael grabbed him.

"Shush. Your gonna be okay, now..." Michael soothed.

Jay rolled over, but couldn't get away from Michael's grip.

"Get off..." Jay muffled out.

Erin burst through the doors, and noticed the two men.

"Let him go!" Erin ordered.

Michael held a knife towards Jay's neck, and started to speak.

"You wanna see his neck slice-." Michael got stopped.

Erin shot her gun twice, and Michael fell off the bed.

"Mmm..." Jay hummed.

Erin rushed over, and pulled the gag down.

"You okay? Jay?" Erin asked.

Jay coughed, and nodded.

"Charlotte's still here..." Jay whispered.

Erin nodded, and pulled her radio up.

"Dawson. I got Jay, he's fine. Charlotte is still at large.." Erin reported.

Erin untied Jay's legs, and his hands.

Soon. Jay walked out of the house, and noticed Charlotte.

Jay walked over, and got into Charlotte's face.

"You know that girl was thirteen..." Jay snarled.

Charlotte spat in Jay's face, and Jay punched her.

"Woah! Woah!" Antonio yelled.

Adam pulled Jay away, and Jay pushed his arms away.

"I'm fine!" Jay rushed out.

Jay walked away, and headed to his truck.

Soon. Jay arrived back at the apartment, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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