Chapter 42

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Jay had just come back from visiting his dad in prison, which wasn't an enjoyable visit.

As Jay looked ahead. He began to yawn. As his flight was early in the morning.

Jay walked off the elevator, and someone bumped into him, making his suitcase fall from his grip.

"Hey! Watch where your going!" Jay called.

Jay groaned, and started packing his clothes back into the case.

"Jay...?" Kerrigan asked.

Jay looked up, and noticed his friend, who used to bully him in High-School.

"Smith!" Jay smiled.

"It's Kerrigan. Now..." Kerrigan replied.

Jay scoffed, and looked down.

"Course it is..." Jay mumbled.

Kerrigan looked at the clothes on the floor, and noticed some boxers.

"You could never keep it in your pants, could you...?" Kerrigan smirked.

Jay zipped his case up, and stood up.

"Look. I wanna do a clean slate. Me and the guys are gonna do a meetup, in a bar, drinks, just like old times. We want you there..." Kerrigan explained.

Jay wasn't sure on how to respond to that offer. 

"Umm....? I'll try, and make it..." Jay nodded.

Kerrigan nodded, and smiled.

"Good seeing you. Jay." Kerrigan smiled.

Jay nodded, and Kerrigan walked away.

"Dumbass..." Jay muttered.

Jay soon arrived back into the district, and walked in.

"Jay! Good Morning!" Trudy smiled.

Jay brushed Trudy off with a handwave, and walked to Erin.

"Uh-oh. Brushing off Platt with a handwave...? Something's up with you..." Erin smirked.

Jay sighed, and looked at Erin.

"Do you own a dress...?" Jay asked.

"You know I do...? We're married!" Erin reminded.

"I know. Smartass!" Jay snapped.

Jay ran upstairs, and Erin followed.

"Wait..." Erin whispered.

Erin and Jay walked into the bullpen, and sat at their desks.

Soon. Erin and Jay were in their truck, watching a suspect.

"We met at an island. We had a couple of drinks. I called you hot. We clashed, and got married..." Jay plotted.

Erin giggled, and shook her head.

"What?!" Jay exclaimed.

"Nothing! It's just cute..." Erin smirked.

Jay didn't find it funny, he mumbled back.

"You have no idea how bad these bitches can be..." Jay cursed.

The unit soon arrested Charles, and Hank had him in the cage.

"Where's Halstead and Lindsay...?" Adam asked.

"Umm...? Halstead dragged Lindsay out to pick out a dress..." Antonio explained.

Adam giggled, and looked at his paperwork.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay were trying on clothes.

"Is this okay...? I can change it...?" Jay asked.

Erin stood up, and rubbed Jay's shoulder.

"Babe? I'd have sex with you in that suit..." Erin commented.

Jay didn't need to second guess his wife's opinion. 

"I'll take it!" Jay exclaimed.

The tailor nodded, and walked Jay to the dressing room.

Erin pulled out her phone, and texted the team.

Erin Lindsay
After a bit of talking...
I made him get the suit!

The unit all replied back, and smiled.

Erin and Jay soon arrived at the club, and that's when Jay noticed all his friends getting out of their limos.

"Is this it...?" Erin asked.

Jay didn't answer straightaway, he was taking in the scene.

"What am I doing here...?" Jay whispered.

Jay grabbed Erin's hand, and walked her into the bar.

After a few minutes. Erin and Jay were in the bar - alone.

Erin put her drink down, and looked at Jay.

"So? When I first met you. you never told me what your life was like as a child or teenager...?" Erin explained.

Jay put his shot glass down, and started explaining.

"Well...? When I was 10. I was hooked onto drugs. Coke? Heroin? Anyway. The guy, who came into the district? Harry? He got me off the drugs. He put me into rehab. I left after about a month...? So, when I did get out of rehab. I was on the streets, that's when Hank found me, and took me in..." Jay started.

Erin had no idea that Jay had been through this much trauma, and she wasn't gonna stop him from explaining what he needed to let out.

"Then Hank got me into a big, private, posh school. I hated every single part. I had an undercover phase on. I told my friends that my parents were away on a big mission in New York. They bought the lie, until one of them sussed me out, and that's when they knew my mom was a junkie, and my dad was a alcoholic. I wanted to punch them so bad, but the principal made it clear, that if I caused trouble. I'd be kicked out of their posh school..." Jay explained.

Erin laughed softly, she could see her husband doing that.

"I bet you kicked that girl's ass..." Erin whispered.

Jay's answer shocked Erin.

"Nope! I swallowed the punch. As much as I wanted to...? I wanted to get kicked out, but I also wanted an education..." Jay nodded.

"Hmm! So, you've always been good at undercover...?" Erin chuckled.

Jay laughed, and nodded.

"Come on. Let's get you home..." Erin smiled.

Jay got up, and kissed Erin's lips.

"I'd love that..." Jay whispered.

Erin and Jay left the bar, and drove home.

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Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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