Chapter 158

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Ashlyn was asleep when suddenly she woke up, realizing school was only a few hours away. 

She climbed out of her small bed and made her way into her parents' room. Erin and Jay were deep in sleep until Ashlyn approached Erin's side. "Mama..." She whispered softly.

Erin, hearing the faint voice, opened her eyes. "Ashlyn? What's wrong, sweetheart?" She whispered back.

Ashlyn's face crumpled into a pout, and she began to sniffle. "I don't want to go to school..." She mumbled.

Erin sighed and responded, "Ashlyn, I'm not going through this with you at 3 AM," she mumbled.

Ashlyn sniffled and walked around to Jay's side.

"Don't disturb Daddy; he's sound asleep and needs the rest before work..." Erin said softly.

Ashlyn let out a sigh, and Erin spoke again.

"Sweetheart, go back to bed, and Daddy will take you to school when it's time to get up," Erin coaxed.

With another sigh, Ashlyn exited the bedroom.

Erin closed her eyes and drifted back into sleep.

In the middle of the night, Erin was busy packing her clothes into a suitcase, preparing for her trip to New York.

She gently kissed Jay's forehead and left the bedroom.

As morning arrived, Jay rose and entered Ashlyn's bedroom.

He smiled at his daughter, who clutched her toy truck and sucked her thumb.

"Morning, sweetie," Jay whispered.

He flicked the light on and made his way downstairs.

Ashlyn followed him down, where Jay was preparing PB&J sandwiches.

Ashlyn settled on the couch and started watching her favorite shows.

"Sweetie, it's time to put on your uniform," Jay said softly.

Ashlyn shook her head, gripping her toy truck tighter.

"Ashlyn, I'm not up for arguments today; please put your uniform on," Jay urged.

Still, Ashlyn shook her head.

"Ashlyn-Marie-Halstead, put on your uniform this instant!" Jay commanded.

Ashlyn emitted a wail and hurled the remote control, narrowly missing Jay.

"Alright! You're grounded! No holiday! Nothing!" Jay declared, shaking his head.

Ashlyn stomped upstairs and slammed her door shut.

As Jay walked towards the kitchen. He got a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

Jay gently rubbed his stomach and sighed.

"Not today," Jay whispered to himself.

He packed the lunches and left the apartment with Ashlyn.

Pulling up outside the school gates, Ashlyn hopped out.

"Bye! I love you, kiddo!" Jay called out.

Ashlyn slammed the door and walked into school.

Taking a deep breath, Jay headed towards the district.

Greeted by his team's hellos in the bullpen, he made his way to his desk, looking paler than usual.

Adam glanced up, noticing Jay's pallor.

"You alright? You look pale," Adam remarked.

Jay looked up and gave a slow nod.

"Halstead!" Hank's voice rang out.

Jay nodded again, trying to quell his trembling.

"Go home, kiddo! You're clearly not well," Hank said softly.

Jay shook his head.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine," Jay insisted.

Hank crouched down, taking Jay's warm hand.

"You're warm and tired. Go home, kid," Hank urged.

Jay sniffled, looking up with wide eyes.

"Daddy, I don't want to go..." Jay murmured.

Hank pulled Jay into his arms, feeling him tremble.

"It's alright, kiddo. It's alright," Hank soothed.

After a whisper from Hank, Jay agreed to go home.

"I'll bring some soup later!" Kim called after him.

With a smile, Jay walked downstairs.

Jay climbed into his truck and headed back to the apartment.

Once home. He trudged upstairs and fell onto the bed.

Kim and Adam quickly reached the apartment and knocked on the door.

"Jay? It's me, Kim, and Adam!" Kim shouted.

Receiving no response, Kim called out again, "Jay...?"

She handed the soup to Adam and unlocked the door.

The hallway was silent except for the sound of crying.

Kim hurried inside to find Nadia standing, her tiny hands gripping the rails.

"Oh, baby..." Kim murmured.

Adam approached and checked Jay's pulse.

"He's burning up..." he murmured.

Kim gently soothed Nadia and moved closer.

"Call it in," Kim commanded.

Adam nodded and took out his phone.

"This is Detective Adam Ruzek. Badge Number..." his voice faded.

Kim turned to Nadia, offering strands of her hair for the baby to twiddle in her tiny fingers.

"Adam..." Jay mumbled faintly.

Adam crouched beside him, nodding in assurance.

"It's okay, buddy. I'm here," Adam comforted.

Jay winced, a cry escaping him.

"My stomach... it hurts so much," he groaned.

Adam soothed him, rubbing his back gently and whispering calming words.

"N-Nadia..." Jay murmured.

Kim approached with a smile.

"She's safe. I've got her," Kim assured with a nod.

Gabby and Shay arrived promptly, escorting Jay to Med.

"Jay Halstead. GCS 9. SATS 110/70. He's experiencing intermittent stomach pain. Brief loss of consciousness upon arrival and a code in the ambulance. Administered 10g of Morphine and 5mg of Paracetamol," Gabby briefed.

Connor acknowledged with a nod and gestured towards the treatment room.

Some time later, Jay, now in a hospital gown, was sound asleep.

Erin entered the room, setting down her suitcase.

"Hi, my handsome man," Erin whispered.

She took a seat in the recliner, gently holding Jay's hand.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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