Chapter 34

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The Halstead's were soon at the district, and Cassie was getting ready to be interviewed.

Cassie was biting her nails, she was super nervous.

"Dad? I-I'm so scared..." Cassie shook in fear.

Jay pouted, and crouched down.

"Hey. Your strong, your smart. All you have to say is what happened in that classroom, don't leave any detail out." Jay explained.

Cassie nodded, she knew what to do.

"Miss Halstead? Would you like to follow me?" Ed asked.

Cassie got up, and walked with Ed.

After Cassie left. Jay was confused.

"Why is Tucker interviewing Cassie? I thought it was Hank?" Jay asked.

Antonio shrugged, and sighed.

"Commander said it was "conflict of interest." We can't interview, or go in the room." Antonio explained.

Jay sighed, and walked back into the bullpen.

In the interrogation room. Ed was going hard at Cassie.

"Why'd you do it? Did you get riled up? You had to use violence to stop the bullying?" Ed asked.

Cassie didn't know what to say, she was very scared.

"I asked you a question! Answer it!" Ed ordered.

Cassie let out a sob, and Jay saw it all.

"No. This isn't right..." Jay mumbled.

Jay walked into the interrogation room.

"What the hell? She's an eleven year old!" Jay exclaimed.

Cassie ran up to Jay, and hugged his leg.

"Go with Mom. Baby." Jay whispered.

Cassie nodded, and rushed out.

"Now. It's me and you. Any questions you have for my kid? They go through me first. You don't go at my daughter, without a lawyer present. Now. I'm going to get her a lawyer, and when Cassie needs a break? She gets a break. You hear me?" Jay crossed his arms.

Ed hated being told what to do, but he nodded.

"Good!" Jay nodded.

Jay opened the door, and walked out.

After a few minutes. The interrogation was over.

Cassie ran out, and sat with Jay.

"So? What's the plan?" Jay asked.

Novak sighed, and put her bag down.

"Cassie's being charged for Man 1. I tried getting it dropped down to accident, but Tucker didn't wanna hear it. I'm so sorry." Novak explained.

The unit nodded, and felt so bad for their friends.

"What happens now?" Erin asked.

"Well. It's being taken to court, and the judge is the person we want. Judge Dooley. He's a hothead, but he gives people a fair shake." Novak responded.

The unit nodded, and they were ready to face the court.

Jay held Cassie close, and kissed her head.

"Your gonna be okay. I got you..." Jay soothed.

After Awhile. Cassie was in court, and was getting interviewed.

"Cassie? Is it?" Anna asked.

Cassie nodded, and looked down.

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