Chapter 148

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The following day, Jay remained unconscious. Erin entered the hospital room and saw Jay's grandmother.

"Gloria?" Erin called out.

Gloria looked up, her face breaking into a smile.

"Erin!" She greeted, smiling.

After sharing a warm embrace with Gloria. Erin approached Jay.

"Morning, baby..." She whispered to him.

Taking a seat beside his bed, Erin let out a heavy sigh.

Erin grasped Jay's hand and softly applied hand cream to his parched skin.

"His hands get so dry," Erin said.

Gloria nodded, observing Jay's tranquil features.

"There you go, love," Erin murmured.

Erin observed Will entering with bagels and coffees in hand.

"Morning!" greeted Will with a smile.

Erin and Gloria returned the smile and accepted the breakfast offerings.

"Hi Nana," Will murmured softly.

Gloria's smile broadened as she embraced her grandson.

"Hi Munchkin," Will murmured to Jay.

Will took a seat on the empty chair, observing his brother's peaceful slumber.

"Don't worry, he's going to be alright," Gloria assured with a nod.

Erin responded with a sniffle and a nod of agreement.

"Absolutely! He's my handsome guy. He's going to pull through!" Erin affirmed, nodding confidently.

Will smiled. He knew his sister in law was the right girl for his brother.

The team all showed up and they were telling stories about Jay.

"So, I'm sitting at my desk. The door opened and it was Halstead. He walked over and said. "Is this the 21st District?" I said "Yes." He nodded and introduced himself. I went "So, have you been assigned to patrol or intelligence?" He went. "Intelligence!" He was full of energy and a bundle of laughs. I said "Alright." I walked with him upstairs and as we walked he went "Are you a desk sergeant? Your a bit old to be a desk sergeant?" I wanted to kick his ass. But. Instead I came up with a nickname. "Chuckles." When I called him it. He said. "Detective Chuckles. If you don't mind?" I smirked. I knew he was gonna be right for this unit and he is..." Trudy sniffled.

The team nodded and smiled in agreement.

"I remember the day he first came upstairs. I was at my desk, and he strode over and perched himself in front of it. Then Hank walked out, and I knew he was okay with it. That's how we ended up as partners!" Erin recounted.

The team nodded again, this time with laughter.

"Yep, that's our Detective Chuckles!" Trudy affirmed with a nod.

Will chuckled quietly as he recounted his tale.

"I was a med student at the time, cooking some pasta, when I heard the door swing open. In came Jay, his face alight with excitement. I asked about the reason for his sudden excitement. and guess what he told me? 'I've met the love of my life! And I want her to be my wife!'" Will narrated.

Erin blushed and looked down as the team laughed.

Suddenly, Jay's finger twitched. Erin caught it and whispered to Will, "Jay's finger just moved." Will approached Jay, asking softly, "Jay?" as Jay's finger twitched again.

Erin's smile broadened. "I'll get Connor," Hank announced. Will nodded, watching Jay closely.

 Soon after, Connor arrived, examining Jay. "He's been flicking his fingers," Will reported. 

Connor nodded, shining a penlight into Jay's eyes, noting, "He's responding to light, and his hands are moving." Connor then asked Jay to move his toes, which Jay did after a moment.

 Pleased, Connor signalled to the nurse, "Let's prepare to extubate him." Doris readied the equipment.

"We're going to extubate you now, Jay. Squeeze my hand if you understand," Connor instructed.

Jay squeezed Connor's hand gently. "Alright, turn off the ventilator," Connor directed. Doris turned off the machine, and Connor told Jay, "We're going to remove the tube; I need you to cough strongly for me." Jay blinked in acknowledgment.

As Connor removed the tube, Jay coughed vigorously. "That's it, well done," Connor praised.

Doris placed an oxygen mask on Jay and positioned him comfortably against the pillows. "He'll be fine. His throat will be sore, and he'll feel tired today. It's crucial to avoid stress," Connor advised.

The team nodded in agreement, and Connor exited the room.

Hank greeted with a warm smile, "Welcome back, kiddo..."

Jay removed his mask, his voice barely a whisper, "Waa..."

 The team looked on, puzzled.

"Waa..." Jay repeated.

The confusion lingered among the team members, but Hank realized what Jay needed. "He's asking for water!" Hank exclaimed.

Antonio quickly fetched a glass of water and brought it to Jay's lips.

With a grateful sip, Jay let out a relieved sigh.

Jay's eyelids fluttered as he gazed at Kim.

"Still a nervous wreck, huh?" Jay said with a smirk.

Kim let out a laugh, followed by a sniffle.

"Are you okay, baby?" Erin asked.

Jay nodded, offering a sleepy smile.

"Just tired... sleepy..." He mumbled.

Erin nodded and stroked Jay's hair.

"Connor said you would be. You can go back to sleep. I'll still be here..." Erin nodded.

Jay sighed and fell asleep.

"He's out..." Hank whispered.

Erin smiled and was relieved that her husband was out of the woods.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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