Chapter 178

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The entire team was present in the courthouse, with Hailey testifying on the stand.

Jay was nervously tapping his foot on the floor and biting his nails.

"If she doesn't get convicted, please avoid your usual stunts..." Erin murmured.

Jay glanced at his wife and muttered under his breath, "No promises..."

At that moment, Hailey's family entered the courtroom and took their seats.

Tom glanced at Hailey and smiled.

"We got this," Hank whispered.

Jay nodded and let out a sigh.

"Please stand," Sarah commanded.

The crowd rose to their feet as the Judge took a seat.

"Are you Hailey-Anne-Upton?" inquired Judge Anderson.

Hailey nodded, her gaze fixed forward.

"You stand accused of the murder of Ally-Marie-Carson. What is your plea?" probed Judge Anderson.

Miss Novak rose to respond.

"Not Guilty. Miss Upton did not intend to kill Miss Carson; it was self-defense," she asserted.

Judge Anderson acknowledged this and turned to Jay's lawyer.

"Miss Upton poses a flight risk. We request that she surrenders her passport and that bail be denied," Mr. Williams stated.

Judge Anderson nodded, then declared,

"I have listened to both arguments. The decision now lies with the jury," he announced.

Matt rose to deliver the verdict.

"The defendant is found Not Guilty," he declared, with a heavy sigh.

Hailey's family erupted in cheers.

The opposing team stood, their faces etched with anger.


Judge Anderson regarded Jay and responded,

"We have reached a consensus on a verdict of not guilty. It must be accepted," he explained.

Jay, overcome with emotion, cried out,

"THIS ISN'T JUSTICE! SHE'S A MURDERER!" Jay cried out in despair.

Erin grasped Jay's hand, leading him and their team out of the chaos.

"Time to head home," Johnny said with a reassuring smile.

Hailey, with a smile of relief, exited the courtroom.

"Hailey, how do you feel about the verdict?" Tess inquired.

"Hailey, this way!" another voice called out.

"Miss Hailey!" echoed another.

Swept up by the crowd, Hailey was whisked away, while Tom approached Jay.

"I can't thank you enough," Tom said, gratitude shining in his eyes.

Jay started to respond, but Hank intervened, steering him clear.

"Keep your distance from my husband, all of you!" Erin commanded.

With that, Erin strode to the truck and drove away.

Jay was propped against the window, his tears silently tracing a path down his face.

Fifteen minutes later, the team entered the apartment, and Jay made his way to the kitchen.

He pulled a beer from the fridge and popped it open.

"Don't drown your sorrows, kid," Al murmured.

Jay hesitated, then set the beer aside.

"My best friend's gone, and her killer's out there, untouchable. The case is closed!" Jay burst out.

Erin approached and softly removed the beer from his grasp.

"Love, I know you're in pain, but alcohol isn't the answer," she said gently.

Jay abandoned the beer and leaned heavily on the counter.

"Did you manage to get any rest last night, love?" Erin asked softly.

A sigh escaped Jay, accompanied by a slow shake of the head.

"Let's go upstairs," Erin suggested kindly. "You can let it all out, stay quiet, or take a nap, okay?"

Jay gave a faint nod in agreement and trailed behind Erin up the stairs.

"We'll be down in a few hours," Erin announced.

The team acknowledged with nods as Erin closed the door with care.

Jay began to hit the wall in frustration, but Erin quickly intervened.

"No, love, not this way," she murmured soothingly.

Guiding Jay to the bed, Erin offered him his stress ball.

"Use this, not your fists," she advised, shaking her head in concern.

Clutching the ball tightly, Jay let out a deep, sorrowful cry.

"Come here, darling," Erin coaxed gently.

She drew Jay close, enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

"Oh, my love, I know you're not well," she whispered tenderly.

As Jay sobbed into Erin's embrace, the stress ball slipped from his grasp.

Erin gently rocked Jay in her arms and kissed his head.

"Let's lay you down..." Erin whispered.

Erin laid Jay against the pillows and got in between his legs.

"We need to wake up early tomorrow for your eye appointment," Erin reminded him.

Jay sighed and nodded in acknowledgment.

"I forgot about that..." Jay mumbled.

Erin slipped into her pajamas and nestled under the covers.

"Everything's going to be okay. I'll take care of you like before," Erin reassured him.

Jay smiled, comforted by her words, and closed his eyes.

Erin planted a gentle kiss on Jay's forehead and drifted off to sleep.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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