Chapter 151

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Jay was downstairs while Ashlyn was enjoying her cereal and sipping her orange juice.

"Daddy?" Ashlyn called out.

Engrossed in his thoughts, Jay didn't notice his daughter's voice.

"Daddy?" She repeated.

This time, Jay's attention returned, and he looked up.

"Yes, sweetie?" he replied.

Ashlyn climbed down and toddled towards the sink with her tiny steps.

"Are you okay?" Ashlyn asked in her baby talk.

Jay nodded and gave her a warm smile.

"I am now!" Jay said, smiling.

Ashlyn let out a giggle, and Jay encouraged her.

"Go on, kiddo! Time to get ready for school!" Jay said with a smile.

Ashlyn giggled again and scampered upstairs.

Leaning against the sink, Jay felt a gentle rub on his back.

He recognized the soft, warm hands as those of his girlfriend.

"Morning, babe..." Erin whispered.

With a smile, Erin kissed Jay's lips.

"Have you heard anything from your mom?" she asked.

Jay sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, baby," Erin said with a sigh.

Jay walked over to the pot and poured himself some coffee.

"I'm going to get ready," Jay proposed.

He sipped his coffee and headed upstairs.

Erin nodded and secured her badge.

After Awhile. Erin, Jay, and the kids were on their way to school when Jay spotted his mother's new clothing line shop. 

Ariana's Designer.

"Can you give me a sec?" Jay asked.

Erin nodded and pulled over.

Jay exited the truck and entered the store.

Clothes hung on racks, and a large desk stood by the entrance.

"Hi, Honey!" Ariana greeted with a smile.

Jay approached and asked, "Mom, where's all this money coming from?"

Ariana looked up from her paperwork and responded, "Jake's invested 4K..."

Jay looked down, exhaling deeply.

"Enjoy your business, then! It's better than wasting all that time you spent away from your son." Jay remarked sharply.

Ariana remained silent, and Jay left the store.

"Is everything alright?" Erin asked.

Jay sniffled and gave a nod.

"Just drive," Jay murmured.

Acknowledging, Erin nodded and steered the car back onto the main road.

Cassie and Ashlyn were quickly dropped off at school, while Erin and Jay arrived at the district.

Erin glanced up and saw the dark circles under Jay's eyes, which concerned her. "Jay? Are you okay?" she asked.

Jay looked up and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine!"

Despite Jay's reassurance, Erin sensed he wasn't being truthful, but she continued with her paperwork nonetheless.

Jay got a message and it was his mom.

"Dammit..." Jay whispered.

Jay got up and ran downstairs.

"Where's he going?" Adam asked.

Erin looked up and shrugged.

"Probably needed some air?" Erin asked.

The team nodded and looked at their paperwork.

Jay parked outside his mom's shop and walked inside.

"What the hell's going on?" Jay asked.

Ariana sighed and walked over.

"The business has gone down. Jake was stealing the money..." Ariana sighed.

Jay was shocked and spoke.

"Well. That's a thief for you. You got yourself into this mess and your the one who has to get out of it..." Jay nodded.

Ariana slapped Jay across the face.

"Never! Speak to me like that again! Get out of my store!" Ariana ordered.

Jay had tears in his eyes and he whispered.

"I don't know who you are? But. Your not my mom..." Jay whispered.

Jay walked out of the store and walked towards his truck.

Jay got inside and broke into sobs.

Where are you?
Love you xx

I'm on my way...

Love you too xx

Jay got back into his truck and drove back towards the apartment.

After Jay got back. He walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

Erin opened the apartment door and noticed her husband.

"Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay sniffled and whispered.

"I don't wanna do this with my mom anymore..." Jay's voice cracked.

Erin pulled Jay into her arms and rubbed his back.

"Oh baby..." Erin whispered.

Jay wrapped his arms around Erin's smaller frame.

"I'm so tired..." Jay whispered.

Erin nodded and pulled on Jay's hand.

"I know you are. Let's go inside..." Erin suggested.

Erin pulled Jay inside and kicked the door shut.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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