Chapter 104

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Erin and Jay were in the bullpen when the unit received the news of Erin and Jay's new baby's arrival.

"So, Erin, how many weeks along are you now?" Adam inquired.

Erin sipped her orange juice before responding.

"Eight weeks," she replied.

Adam nodded, his smile broadening.

A few minutes later, Jay emerged from the breakroom and kissed the top of Erin's head.

"Got you a muffin and another orange juice," Jay said with a smile.

Erin returned the smile and reached for the breakfast.

"Ooh, blueberries!" Erin exclaimed with a smile.

Jay proceeded to his desk and continued with his paperwork.

"Halstead? Any word on the guy we picked up?" Hank inquired.

Jay glanced at his records and nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, we caught him on cams going way over the speed limit at Tap on Rush," Jay responded.

Kim reviewed her cameras and replied.

"You caught him speeding at Tap on Rush?" Kim questioned.

Jay nodded and affirmed.

"I got him going at the speed limit just down the block on Fifth," Kim stated.

The unit turned to Hank, and he issued a command.

"Alright! Lindsay, Halstead, go find out why he was speeding at Tap on Rush and then slowed down on Fifth Street!" Hank directed.

Erin and Jay nodded and walked towards the interrogation room.

"When will I be back undercover? Lindsay's pregnant so she'll have to stop soon!" Adam explained.

Hank looked at Adam and replied.

"Is Erin at her due date?" Hank asked.

Adam shook his head and looked at Hank.

"Then. She'll go on deskwork when I know she can't do anymore!" Hank smiled.

Hank walked into his office and shut the door.

"That still doesn't answer my question..." Adam muttered.

Erin and Jay were interviewing Thomas and it wasn't going well.

"No! What we want to know is why were you speeding down Tap on Rush and slowing down when you got to the block of fifth!" Jay exclaimed.

Thomas remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ground.


Startled, Thomas quickly replied.

"Alright! Alright! I saw my dealer. I couldn't risk him seeing me speed; he'd figure out you were onto us!" Thomas hurriedly clarified.

Erin glanced between Jay and Thomas.

"We need a name," Erin said gravelly.

The unit was on standby, ready to apprehend Ben as soon as he made his move.

Erin and Jay were in their truck, kissing while under surveillance.

As Erin kissed Jay, she tenderly placed her hand on his cheek.

"Halstead. Lindsay. When Ben makes his move, I need you to block him off," Hank's voice came through the radio.

Jay broke away from Erin to respond to the call.

"Copy that," Jay acknowledged.

Erin brought Jay's head back to her lips and explored his muscular body.

As Erin looked out the window, she noticed Ben revving his engine.

"What's he doing?" Erin inquired.

Jay also turned to look, and Hank's voice came through the radio.

"He's made us!" Hank exclaimed.

Erin and Jay prepared themselves. Erin collected her thoughts, while Jay became increasingly flustered.

"Jay! Focus!" Erin urged.

Jay accelerated and followed Ben's car.

"What's he up to?" Jay wondered aloud.

Ben spun his car into the opposite lane.

"He's going to cause an accident!" Erin shouted.

Jay grabbed the radio and transmitted a message.

"Guys! Baker's changed lanes! If you don't catch up soon, he'll cause a pile-up..." Jay reported.

Kim and Adam sighted Baker's car and relayed the information.

"We have eyes! Kev, he's coming your way!" Kim broadcasted.

Kevin increased his speed and collided with Baker's vehicle.

The entire unit noticed the car crash and exited their vehicles.

"CHICAGO PD! KEV! YOU GOOD?" Jay yelled.

Kevin exited his truck and drew his gun.

"I'm good!" Kevin responded.

Erin and Jay aimed their guns at Baker's car.

"HANDS OUT OF THE VEHICLE! NOW!" Erin commanded.

Ben was slow to respond, and Erin grew impatient.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR! NOW!" Erin yelled.

Ben raised his hands, and Jay took notice.

"Drop the weapon!" commanded Jay.

Ben let the gun fall, and Erin with Jay hurried over..

Jay yanked Ben from the car as Erin handled the firearm.

"Offender in custody!" Erin radioed.

Jay led Ben to the truck, with the unit following behind.

Later on, Erin and Jay were in the apartment, snuggling on the couch with Cassie and Ashlyn.

Erin laid in Jay's lap while he gently ran his fingers through her long brown hair.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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