Chapter 30

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Erin was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast. She really missed Jay being by her side.

"KIDS! BREAKFAST!" Erin shouted.

Cassie and Ashlyn ran downstairs, and Ashlyn sat in her highchair.

"Mom? When's daddy coming back? I miss him..." Cassie pouted.

Erin sighed, and placed the spoon of food in Ashlyn's tiny mouth.

"I don't know, babes? He's with Grandpa Hank. Soon. Dad will be home..." Erin nodded.

Cassie dumped her spoon in her cereal which was now stodgy.

"I'm gonna get changed for school..." Cassie mumbled.

Erin looked at her eldest daughter, as she ran upstairs in tears.

"Mama? Kissy? Da da?" Ashlyn babbled.

Erin stroked Ashlyn's blonde hair, and kissed her head.

"I know you miss him, sweetie. I know..." Erin soothed.

At Hank and Trudy's place. Jay was still asleep.

Jay soon opened his eyes, and noticed he wasn't where he thought he was.

As Jay sat up, his head was pounding, so he lied back down again.

Jay felt his stomach churn, and he raced to the bathroom.

"Ugh..." Jay groaned.

Jay coughed, and flushed the chain.

Once Jay had his stomach under control, he walked downstairs.

Hank and Trudy were already downstairs eating breakfast.

"Morning. Kiddo!" Hank smiled.

Jay smiled, and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you want some breakfast? Eggs are in the pan..." Trudy pointed out.

Jay looked at the eggs, and swallowed his gag.

"N-No. I can't even look at food right now..." Jay swallowed thickly.

Trudy got up, and handed Jay two paracetamols, and a glass of juice.

"Go back to bed. Sweetie. Have a few more hours..." Trudy decided.

Jay swallowed the pills, and flushed them down with water.

"Yeah. I might..." Jay agreed.

Jay walked upstairs, and walked into his bedroom.

At Erin's apartment. Erin had just taken Cassie to school.

Erin was changing Ashlyn's diaper, after she had an accident in it.

"All done. Baby girl..." Erin smiled.

Erin rubbed Ashlyn's small tummy, making her gurgle.

"Aww. There's my sweet girl..." Erin whispered.

Erin picked Ashlyn up into her arms, and bounced her gently.

"I know you want your daddy, baby girl..." Erin pouted.

Ashlyn giggled, and leant her small body back.

Later on. Will banged on Hank and Trudy's door.

Hank walked to the door, and opened it.

"Hey! Will!" Hank smiled.

Will nodded, and barged his way in.

"Where's my drunk-assed brother?" Will started.

Hank pointed to the stairs, and Will ascended them.

"Be easy on him. He's very hungover." Hank explained.

Will nodded, and walked into Jay's bedroom.

"Yo! Dumbass! Wakeup!" Will spoke up.

Jay groaned, and opened his eyes.

"What time is it...?" Jay mumbled.

Will grabbed Jay's shirt, and threw it onto the bed.

"Time for you to make amends with your girlfriend, and kids!" Will exclaimed.

Jay sighed, and sat up.

"They want nothing to do with me... I got the message, loud and clear." Jay responded.

Will sighed, and sat down on the bed.

"Look. Erin's angry, she's annoyed, but she misses you so much, so does the kids, They need their Jay back..." Will explained.

Jay took Will's words in, and looked down.

"Where do I start? I called my daughter "Stupid." What kind of father does that?" Jay looked down.

Will rubbed Jay's back, and smiled.

"Start by apologising, that's something which you will not fuck up... Hopefully?" Will nodded.

Jay nodded, and stood up.

"Thanks. Man!" Jay smiled.

Will nodded, and hugged his younger brother.

"Yeah. Now. Let's go see your family!" Will smiled.

Will and Jay got up, and left the bedroom.

After Awhile. Will and Jay arrived at Erin's apartment.

Erin walked to the front door, and opened it.

"Hey..." Jay whispered.

Erin smiled, and wrapped her arms around Jay's neck.

"I've missed you..." Erin whispered.

Jay sniffled, and hugged Erin tightly.

"I've missed you too, baby..." Jay sniffled.

Erin and Jay pulled apart. Cassie and Ashlyn walked over.

"Dad....?" Cassie asked.

Jay looked up, and walked over.

"Hi. Sweetie!" Jay smiled.

Cassie didn't say anything, she didn't know what to feel.

"Cassie. I am so so sorry, I didn't mean to call you stupid. I was drunk, a lot of things were in my head. I know your not stupid. Your the top of your math class, your the most kind, caring, compassionate girl. I could ever want as my daughter..." Jay explained.

Cassie smiled, and looked down.

"D-Do you think you can help with my math? It's fractions..." Cassie spoke up.

Jay smiled, and nodded.

"Of course. I'd love too!" Jay nodded.

Cassie smiled, and hugged Jay.

"Aww. I've missed you so much..." Jay whispered.

Ashlyn crawled over, and cried.

"Oh! My little baby girl..." Jay awed.

Ashlyn babbled out "Daddy." and smiled.

"I bet your keeping mommy on her toes..." Jay giggled.

Ashlyn giggled, and leant her baby head on Jay's chest.

"I'll leave you all to it..." Will smiled.

Everyone nodded, and said goodbye.

Will left the apartment, and The Halstead's all went to bed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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