Chapter 89

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It was Mother's Day, and Jay was overwhelmed with emotions, none of them pleasant.

Erin entered the bedroom and saw Jay finishing the wrapping of a gift.

"Morning, Baby!" Erin greeted with a smile.

Jay glanced up and returned the smile.

"Good morning!" Jay greeted back.

Erin perched on the edge of the bed as Jay extended the gift towards her.

"Ooh! What could this be?" Erin inquired, eyes gleaming with curiosity.

With a sly grin, Jay leaned against Erin's chest.

As Erin unwrapped the gift, she discovered a teddy bear and a certificate nestled inside.

"Aww, babe! This is absolutely wonderful!" Erin exclaimed, her voice tinged with emotion.

Jay's smile broadened, and he planted a tender kiss on Erin's lips.

"A beautiful gift for a beautiful wife," Jay murmured, his smile unwavering.

Setting the gifts aside, Erin drew Jay into a warm embrace.

"I love you. Thank you so much," Erin murmured softly.

Jay smiled and rose from the bed.

"I've got to make your breakfast!" Jay said with a smile.

He hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

Once Jay had left, Erin spotted a box.

She picked it up and opened it.

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!

Inside were flowers, chocolates, cards, and a cute little teddy bear.

"Oh, baby..." Erin sighed.

She closed the box and slid it back under the bed.

Erin got up from the bed and got her badge and gun.

Erin had finished her breakfast, and the kids were already at school. She and Jay were heading to the district.

Upon arriving, Jay beelined for the gate.

"What's going on with Chuckles?" inquired Trudy.

Erin exhaled softly and murmured a reminder, "It's Mother's Day. Platt..."

Trudy let out a sigh, setting her coffee aside.

"Damn! Keep an eye on your partner today! Make sure he doesn't stray..." commanded Platt.

Erin acknowledged with a nod and proceeded upstairs.

"Lindsay! Good Morning!" greeted Adam with a smile.

Returning the smile to her colleagues, Erin made her way to her desk.

"What did everyone get for their mothers?" Adam probed.

The speeches and conversations were too much for Jay.

"I need some fresh air..." he muttered under his breath.

Quickly, Jay snatched his coat and dashed downstairs.

"Didn't he have air already?" Adam quipped.

A collective sigh passed through the unit.

"Am I out of the loop?" Adam questioned.

Erin glanced up, her sigh carrying weight.

"It's Mother's Day..." she repeated with a heavy heart.

Realization dawned on Adam, and he immediately felt remorse for his friend.

"Damn! I'm sorry!" Adam expressed his regret.

Erin simply nodded and returned to her paperwork.

Hours passed, and Jay had not returned.

Hank emerged from his office, aware that a detective was missing.

"Where's Halstead?" Hank inquired.

Erin met Hank's gaze and affirmed confidently, "I know where he is."

The unit rose to their feet, with Hank at the helm.

Erin and Hank took separate trucks and set off to find Jay.

Jay stood solemnly at the cemetery, before his mother's grave.

Fiona Halstead


A mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister.

Jay managed to open the box and set it down in front of the grave.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mama. I love you..." Jay said, his voice breaking with emotion.

Jay stood up and brushed his hands off on his jeans.

The team arrived and exited their vehicles.

Erin and Hank stepped out first, with the rest of the unit lining up behind them.

"Jay!" Erin shouted.

Jay turned and saw his wife and father.

"I was on my way back. I swear!" Jay insisted.

Hank shook his head, pulling Jay into an embrace.

Cradled in his father's arms, Jay began to sob.

Hank held Jay close and kissed his forehead.

"I've got you, kiddo," Hank soothed.

Tears filled Kim's eyes as she gazed at the unit.

"Come on, guys..." Antonio whispered.

The unit gathered around and embraced Jay together.

Kim kissed Jay's forehead and held him close.

"We're family, and we always will be," Hank promised.

After several hours, Erin lay in bed, gently rubbing Jay's back to help him fall asleep.

Soon, Jay drifted off to sleep, clutching his mother's dog in his hand.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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