Chapter 8

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Half of the unit were at the bullpen. As Jay had taken a sick day, after yesterday's events.

Erin walked into the bullpen, and realised Jay wasn't in the bullpen.

"Where's Jay?" Erin asked.

Kim looked up, and answered.

"Voight forced him to have a sick day, he came in looking overtired..." Kim explained.

Erin nodded, and she couldn't stop thinking about Jay.

"How's it going with you and Jamie?" Adam asked.

Erin sighed, and looked at Adam.

"It's going good..." Erin nodded.

Adam could hear the sadness in his sister's voice, but he wasn't gonna spark an argument.

After a few minutes. Jay walked into the bullpen, and he was still looking the way. Kim described.

Erin looked up, and got up from her desk.

"What are you doing here? Hank told you to have a sick day..." Erin whispered.

It took awhile for Erin's words to register in Jay's brain.

"What?" Jay asked.

Erin watched Jay's eyes droop, as she spoke to him.

"Hey! Go home. I'll come see you, when I finish shift." Erin ordered.

Jay managed to nod at Erin, and walked back downstairs.

After Jay was gone. The unit all smirked at Erin.

"What?" Erin wondered.

Antonio looked at Erin, and smirked.

"We all saw the "Moment" with Halstead..." Antonio smirked.

Erin put her middle finger up, and walked to her desk.

"Everybody put your tongues back in your mouth! We're just partners? Nothing else!" Erin explained.

The unit all made a mumble, and Hank walked out.

"Halstead gone back home?" Hank looked at Erin.

"Yep! I sent him back home!" Erin smiled.

As Hank looked at Erin, he showed a smirk.

"Ugh! I can't win!" Erin groaned.

Everyone giggled, and focused back on their paperwork.

Jay was at his apartment, and he couldn't sleep at all.

As Jay walked downstairs, he noticed Will.

"Will...?" Jay called.

Will looked at his baby brother, and smiled.

"Yeah! Erin called me, and told me to keep you here. Until she visits you after shift." Will explained.

Jay sighed, and walked towards the kitchen, and grabbed a beer.

"Wanna beer?" Jay offered.

"No. I'm still on shift." Will declined.

Jay nodded, and popped open the lid.

"Well. Wanna watch Penguins?" Jay asked.

Will smiled, he knew there was still some childness in his brother.

"Sure!" Will smiled.

Jay sat on the couch, and lied his head on Will's lap.

"I miss this..." Jay whispered.

Will smiled, and stroked Jay's hair.

"Same! But, no matter what. You'll always be my little brother..." Will reassured.

Jay smiled, and watched the opening credits of the movie.

After a few hours. Erin was walking into the bedroom, and Jamie was packing his suitcase.

Erin got into the bedroom, and noticed Jamie packing his suitcase.

"What's going on? Jamie?" Erin asked.

Jamie looked up, and smiled.

"Hi. Erin..." Jamie smiled.

Erin walked over, and noticed the closet emptied out.

"What are you doing? Why are you leaving...?" Erin wondered.

Jamie zipped the suitcase up, and sighed.

"If you have something going on? I can handle it. Whatever it is..." Erin reassured.

Jamie looked at Erin, and spoke up.

"You gonna let me speak now?" Jamie laughed.

Erin apologised, and nodded.

"I've been thinking, and I'm gonna live with my brother for a bit..." Jamie admitted.

Erin heard Jamie's words, and she was heartbroken.

"S-So, your breaking up with me...?" Erin gasped.

Jamie nodded, and kissed Erin's cheek.

"I'm sorry, but I need some space..." Jamie apologised.

Jamie walked out, leaving Erin in the bedroom.

As Jamie left. Erin sat on the bed, heartbroken.

After a few moments. Erin remembered that she was gonna visit Jay after her shift.

Erin got up, and left the apartment.

Soon. Erin knocked on Jay's door.

The door clicked open, and Jay was standing on the other side.

"Hey!" Jay smiled.

Erin looked inside, and smiled.

"Hi..." Erin smiled.

Jay could sense something was going on with her partner.

"What's up?" Jay asked.

"Me and Jamie. We've broken up..." Erin admitted.

Jay looked at Ern, and looked confused.

"Broken up? I thought you two were going well?" Jay wondered.

Erin nodded, and looked around the apartment.

"Can I come in? I don't fancy being on my own tonight..." Erin looked down.

Jay nodded, and opened the door wider.

As Erin walked in. Jay shut the door.

"Nice place!" Erin commented.

Jay smiled, and handed Erin a cold beer.

"The cubs game is on. Wanna watch it?" Jay questioned.

Erin smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah. I could use the distraction..." Erin whispered.

Erin and Jay walked to the couch, and sat down.

Later on. Jay got up, and put a blanket over Erin's body.

Jay gave a small kiss on Erin's head, and walked upstairs.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you like this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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