Chapter 153

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The team was on a stakeout, with Jay pursuing a suspect down the street, gun in hand.

Rounding the corner, Jay yelled, "CHICAGO PD! STOP!" Despite his command, the suspect kept running and fired his weapon.

Jay winced as he collided with the wall, his gaze dropping to the blood streaming from his leg. "Dammit..." he sighed.

"JAY! JAY! ARE YOU OKAY?" Adam yelled.

Jay stood up and stumbled backward.

"Whoa! Buddy, let's get you seated for a moment..." Adam suggested with a nod.

Jay exhaled deeply and lost consciousness.

"Jay? Jay? Buddy, wake up..." Adam murmured.

With a heavy sigh, Adam lifted his radio.

"5021 Ida. Officer down. Gunshot wound to the leg. He's losing blood. Need an ambo..." Adam transmitted.

Erin hurried over and knelt down.

"Jay? Babe..." she whispered.

Adam exhaled deeply and said,

"He's been shot in the leg. I've called for an ambulance..." as he nodded.

Erin nodded back and cradled Jay's head against her knee.

"Stay with me, Halstead. Stay with me..." She murmured.

Brett and Gabby arrived and began unpacking the equipment.

"Alright, I need the backboard and Kerlix for the bleeding," Gabby directed.

Brett acknowledged with a nod and provided the requested items.

"Hi Honey, how are you doing?" Gabby inquired.

Jay responded with a slurred speech.

"Erin? Can we get a puppy?" He asked, still slurring.

Erin chuckled and affectionately kissed Jay's forehead.

"Let's focus on getting you taken care of first, babe," Erin said, still chuckling.

Gabby raised Jay's leg and secured a bandage around the severe wound.

"He's set! Let's get him loaded into the ambo" Gabby commanded.

Acknowledging the order, Brett pushed the stretcher toward the waiting ambulance.

Erin jumped into the ambulance, and Gabby quickly closed the doors behind her.

The ambulance sped away and shortly arrived at the hospital.

Gabby pushed Jay's gurney inside and briefed the staff.

"Detective Jay Halstead, gunshot wound to the right leg. We've applied gauze and Kerlix to control the bleeding. Administered 10 grams of Morphine and 2 grams of Paracetamol. He was slurring his speech at the scene and lost consciousness during transport," Gabby reported.

Connor nodded, pushing the stretcher into a treatment room.

"ERIN!" Jay's shout echoed.

Erin dashed in, seizing Jay's hand.

"I'm here, baby! What's happening? Are you alright?" she inquired urgently.

Jay paused before revealing his thoughts.

"I think we should name our puppy Crumbles," He murmured softly.

Erin exhaled deeply, relief washing over her.

"Oh! Baby," she breathed out in a hushed tone.

Jay chuckled as Doris fitted the mask over his mouth and nose.

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