Chapter 76

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It was morning, and Erin was awake while Jay remained asleep on her lap, having had a breakdown earlier in the night.

Hank and Ashlyn entered the bedroom, and Erin looked up.

"Sorry, you two. He's still asleep; he had a breakdown last night," Erin sighed.

Hank understood, but Ashlyn did not.

"What's a 'breakdown'?" Ashlyn asked.

Hank set the breakfast tray down and began to explain.

""Daddy cried again last night, and it was more intense than before," Hank explained.

Ashlyn pouted and climbed onto the large bed.

"When will Daddy wake up?" she asked.

Erin sighed and gently stroked Jay's lower back.

"He's very tired, baby. It might be a while before he wakes up," Erin whispered softly.

Jay mumbled softly and nestled his head into Erin's stomach, making Ashlyn think he was waking up.

"Is he waking up?" Ashlyn asked, her smile hopeful.

Erin shook her head and whispered back.

"No, sweetheart, he's just stirring in his sleep," Erin said gently.

Ashlyn pouted and climbed down from the bed.

Jay opened his eyes and rubbed them wearily.

"Daddy!" Ashlyn exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement.

As Ashlyn began to approach Jay, Hank intervened.

"Let's give Daddy a moment to wake up; he might doze off again," Hank suggested.

While Erin was gently speaking to Jay, Hank noticed Jay's head sagging back onto Erin's lap.

"His head is pounding, so he'll need a few more minutes before he's fully awake," Erin whispered.

Hank nodded and turned to Ashlyn.

"Daddy needs to rest a bit more, so how about we go and wake up your sister?" Hank suggested, laughter in his voice.

Ashlyn giggled and shouted her sister's name.

A short while later, Hank shut the door, and Erin's eyes drifted closed.

Erin's eyes fluttered open, and she immediately realized Jay was no longer in her embrace.

"Jay?" she called out.

Leaping from the bed, Erin dashed downstairs.

"JAY?" her voice echoed through the house.

In the kitchen, Hank was conversing with Jay, a sight that caught Erin's attention.

"Damn! You gave me a fright, baby!" Erin exhaled in relief.

Jay rose from his stool and enfolded Erin in a comforting hug.

"I'm okay! Just a slight headache, but I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you..." Jay murmured his apology.

Erin took a deep breath, and inhaled her husband's morning scent.

"You know I love that scent..." Erin inhaled.

Jay smirked, and kissed Erin's head.

Minutes later, Ashlyn and Jay were playing with trucks when Jay's migraine intensified.

Ashlyn, making engine noises, guided her truck around the race track.

"It's your turn, Daddy!" Ashlyn chirped.

Jay shook his head, trying to refocus his blurry vision.

"Just a minute..." Jay murmured.

Standing up, Jay felt the room whirl around him.

"Jay?" Erin's voice echoed.

To Jay, Erin sounded distant as he attempted to walk straight.

"Son, are you okay?" Hank inquired.

Staggering, Jay collapsed into Erin's arms, supported by Hank.

"Whoa, you're struggling to walk straight. Let's get you seated," Hank suggested.

Jay clung to Hank's shoulders as he was guided to the couch.

"You're shaking, kiddo. Are you feeling alright?" Hank asked.

Jay was frightened because his eyes wouldn't focus.

"I-I can't focus my eyes..." Jay murmured.

Erin and Hank shared concerned looks as Jay started to cry.

"My eyes are so blurry!" Jay exclaimed.

Erin drew Jay into a gentle embrace and swayed with him.

"Just close your eyes, sweetheart. It will help with the blurriness," Erin soothed.

Ashlyn looked up from her toy truck, her lip trembling.

"What's wrong with Daddy?" Ashlyn asked.

While soothing and rocking Jay, Erin gently wiped his tears away.

"He's in pain, sweetheart. Mama's going to hold him for a while," Hank whispered softly.

Erin carefully placed Jay's head on her lap, and he shivered.

"Shush... There's no need to shiver. I've got you..." Erin comforted.

Erin gently looked at Ashlyn and whispered.

"Daddy will take a little rest in Mama's arms, then he'll come back to play with the trucks," Erin said, her smile soft and warm.

Ashlyn nodded and headed to the kitchen.

Hours later, Jay was out with Will.

Erin washed the dinner dishes while Ashlyn, clad in her baby pyjamas, cuddled up with her baby blanket and Tigger Bear.

"Where's Halstead?" Erin asked.

Erin put the dishes in the cupboard, and attached the baby lock.

"Will came and took him out..." Erin replied.

Hank nodded, and walked over to Ashlyn.

"See your nice and ready for bed." Hank smiled.

Ashlyn nodded, and chewed on her teething ring, which she grew fond of.

"How long has she been chewing on her teething ring?" Hank asked.

Erin sighed, and looked over.

"It's the only thing that soothes her gums, and it helps with her anxiety when Jay is away," Erin explained.

Hank nodded, and tried lifting Ashlyn.

"No!" Ashlyn exclaimed.

Hank lifted Ashlyn once more, and she let out a scream.

"NO! DADA! DADA!" Ashlyn cried out.

Shortly after, Jay burst through the door and gently took Ashlyn into his arms.

"Hey, baby girl. Daddy's here. I've got you..." Jay comforted her.

Ashlyn let go of her teething ring and nestled into her father's embrace.

"Shall we get you tucked into bed?" Jay proposed.

Ashlyn murmured in agreement and clung to Jay's hoodie.

"Look! She always drops her teething ring when she's in Jay's arms," Erin observed.

Hank stood by, both impressed and taken aback.

Later on. Hank. Erin. Jay were all tucked up in bed.

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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