Chapter 19

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The unit were at a crime scene. A dead mother, who was drugging herself up.

"Died of an OD. She had a kid..." Kim replied.

Erin and Jay nodded, and Jay spotted a kid.

"Hey!" Jay called.

The little girl ran off, and down the alley.

"Wait! I'm a police officer!" Jay reassured.

Jay ran towards the girl's direction, and noticed her.

"Please! Stop! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Jay promised.

The little girl stopped, and played with her wristbands.

"Hey. I'm Jay. What's your name?" Jay asked.

Cassie looked Jay up and down, and asked a question.

"Got any cash?" Cassie asked.

Jay sighed, and looked down.

"I'm not gonna give you any cash..." Jay shook his head.

Cassie was at desperate measures, so she took Jay's wallet.

"HEY! KID!" Jay shouted.

Cassie ran as fast as she could, and hopped into the car.

The car sped off, leaving Jay utterly confused.

"Hey! I heard you from the street! Everything okay?" Erin asked.

Jay looked at Erin, and explained.

"Kid. Snatched my wallet. Not a big deal..." Jay whispered.

Jay walked off, he was hoping he could've saved the girl.

"Jay! It is a big deal! It has cash, your cards, everything!" Erin exclaimed.

"Yeah! The girl needed cash, it looked like she hasn't eaten in days..." Jay explained.

Erin dropped the subject, she knew what Jay gets like, when kids are involved with cases.

"You two done?! We got a case to solve!" Hank called.

Erin and Jay nodded, and walked over to the unit.

After Awhile. Trudy walked upstairs with Cassie.

"Halstead!" Trudy asked.

Jay looked over, and got up.

"Hey! I was looking for you..."Jay smiled.

Cassie handed Jay his wallet, and whispered.

"I-I spent some of your cash. I-I was hungry..." Cassie admitted.

Jay crouched down, and rubbed Cassie's shoulder.

"It's alright. Wanna get some chips? We could get milkshakes?" Jay offered.

Cassie nodded, and took Jay's hand.

"Let's go!" Jay smiled softly.

Cassie walked downstairs, and spoke up.

"Can we test the lights? Ooh! There's also a Reese's pieces milkshake I wanna try!" Cassie explained.

Jay laughed, and replied.

"We'll see..." Jay giggled.

The unit all laughed, and awed at the sweet moment.

"I can see Halstead being a dad..." Adam commented.

The unit all agreed, and sat down.

Jay and Cassie were in a restaurant, eating some chips, and milkshakes.

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