Chapter 45

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The unit were all on a plane to Milton Keynes. Erin was feeling airsick, which wasn't helping with the flight.

Jay noticed Erin sweating profusely, and he knew something was going on.

"Babe...? You okay...?" Jay asked.

Erin took deep breaths, and leant her head on Jay's shoulder.

"Aww... Are you airsick?" Jay pouted.

Erin grumbled, and nestled down.

"It's alright. We'll be there soon..." Jay soothed.

Erin closed her eyes, and tried to sleep.

Halfway through the flight. Jay had eaten the airplane food, and realised one of items had cream in it.

"Dammit..." Jay whispered.

Adam took off his earphones, and looked at his friend.

"What's up...?" Adam asked.

Jay groaned, and rubbed his stomach.

"Erin? What's up with your husband...?" Antonio joined in.

Erin opened her eyes, and noticed Jay's stomach making noises.

"He's having a reaction to the cream in the jelly. the side effects are - Vomiting, Nausea, feeling lightheaded, and the one we all hate... Diarrhoea." Erin explained.

The unit all groaned, and Jay cried out.

Erin gently shushed Jay, and brought his head to her chest.

"I got you, baby. It's okay, It'll pass..." Erin soothed.

Jay was kicking himself. He was in so much discomfort.

"Why'd I have the fucking jelly?!" Jay groaned.

Erin rubbed Jay's back, and gently shushed his cries.

"Is he gonna be okay...?" Kim asked.

Erin nodded, and heard soft snores.

"Yeah! A small nap, he'll be right as rain. the nap, will hopefully, settle his stomach..." Erin hoped.

The unit all nodded, and waited for the flight to land.

Erin and Jay soon arrived at their hotel room, along with the unit.

The room was beautifully done. It had two beds for the kids. A double bed for the adults. And the walls were a light blue, which matched the on-view ocean.

Erin put her bags down, and got onto the double bed.

"This bed... Ahh! It's comfy..." Erin moaned.

Jay smirked, and got onto the bed.

"Mom! Ashlyn's peed!" Cassie called.

Ashlyn was now two years old, and she was quite, a sassy young lady.

"Did not!" Ashlyn defended.

Erin picked Ashlyn up, and smelt her diaper.

"I'm afraid you did, turtle." Erin sighed.

Ashlyn sighed, and rolled around on the changing mat.

"When are we going down for dinner...?" Cassie wondered.

Erin changed Ashlyn's diaper, and got her into a new outfit.

"In a few minutes. Go get a clean outfit on..." Jay instructed.

Cassie nodded, and rummaged through her small case.

"You look pale..." Jay commented.

Erin's stomach still hadn't settled, and she was starting to feel the dull ache in her stomach return.

"Probably, just tired..." Erin defended.

Jay was unsure on how to set her mind to Erin's comment. He knew she had a bellyache on the flight, because of the food, but she didn't know it was bad enough to bring it back to the hotel.

"Okay...? Well...? Let's go!" Jay smiled.

Erin had taken an extra pack of gum, to be on the safe side, in case her stomach flared up again.

The unit were all eating dinner, and Jay had chosen a booth, in case Erin had to lie down for a bit.

Erin was lying on Jay's shoulder, while Jay tried coaxing her into having some apples.

"Come on, baby. It's important to keep your strength up, have two apple slices..." Jay coaxed.

Erin looked at the two green apple slices, which were pre cut for her, but she couldn't think or look at food for a bit.

"Not hungry..." Erin mumbled.

Jay sighed, and rubbed Erin's arm.

"Erin? Wanna go back to the room...?" Jay whispered.

Erin shook her head, and closed her eyes.

"N-No. I'll be fine..."Erin reassured.

The unit were all skeptical of how to react to Erin's answer, they carried on eating.

Jay had finished his dinner, and Erin was fast asleep on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna take Erin back to the room. She's too tired to do the club. Sorry, guys..." Jay apologised.

Hank nodded, and said his goodnight, along with the unit.

"Babe? Let's go back to the room. Come on..." Jay whispered.

Erin opened her eyes, and pulled herself out of the booth.

"Come on, kids!" Jay called.

Cassie and Ashlyn ran up to their parents, and walked into the elevator.

"I-I feel like my tummy's gonna explode..." Erin admitted.

Jay walked out of the elevator, holding Erin upright.

"I know, baby. we're nearly at the room..." Jay reassured.

Jay opened the door with his key card, and gently lied Erin down onto the bed.

"Alright! Time for bed. Kids!" Jay decided.

Cassie and Ashlyn nodded, and scrambled into their beds.

"Is mama gonna be okay...?" Cassie asked.

Jay smiled, and lied Cassie down.

"She'll be okay, sweetheart. I promise..." Jay promised.

Cassie and Ashlyn smiled, and fell asleep.

Soon. Erin was rubbing Jay's back, as he had a puking session.

Jay was fast asleep, and Erin kissed his warm, clammy head.

"Night. Baby..." Erin whispered.

Erin closed her heavy eyes, and sleep claimed her.

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Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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