Chapter 57

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The unit were all at the bullpen. Erin walked in.

"Yo! Erin!" Kevin smiled.

Erin walked over to her desk, and looked at Antonio.

"You heard from Jay?" Erin asked.

Antonio shook his head, and looked confused.

"No? Why?" Antonio asked.

Erin sighed, and tried dialling her husband.

"I woke up, and he wasn't on his side of the bed..." Erin explained.

 Adam looked up, and joined in.

"That can mean lots of things..." Adam commented.

Erin shook her head. It wasn't normal.

"Nah. Jay never goes out alone, he always leaves a little note, and he didn't take Charlie to Lucy's." Erin responded.

The team all stood up, and Hank walked out.

"What's going on?" Hank asked.

Erin hanged up, and looked at Hank.

"Jay's gone missing..." Erin started.

"Tried the apartment? His cell?" Hank wondered.

Erin nodded, and sighed.

"He's not at the apartment, and he's either denying all my calls or someone has his phone..." Erin answered.

Antonio thought of something, and stood up.

"Could Abby have been released...?" Antonio wondered.

Hank looked at Antonio, and looked down.

"Abby got released on good behaviour..." Hank admitted.

Erin looked at Hank, her face scrunched in anger.

"You thought this was something. I didn't need to know?!" Erin exclaimed.

Hank had no words, he was ashamed.

"Guys! Halstead was spotted outside a local store..." Platt started.

Kim looked at Trudy, and asked a question.

"How'd you know it's Halstead?" Kim wondered.

"The shop owner said the man was sarcastic, snappy, and arrogant..." Trudy explained.

Hank nodded, and he could recognise Jay's description anywhere.

"That sounds like Jay!" Erin replied.

Hank looked at his team, as they all stood up.

"Let's go!" Hank ordered.

The team all went downstairs, and got into their trucks.

Jay was in the shop, still arguing with the shop owner.

"Look! All I want is some gum. Man!" Jay argued.

"You have money?" Tony asked.

Jay sighed, and looked down.

The team all walked in, and noticed Jay.

"Jay!" Erin called.

Jay looked at Erin, and sighed.

"All I want... Is gum..." Jay whispered.

Hank walked over, and grabbed a chair.

"You couldn't of got him a chair?" Kim asked.

Erin crouched down, and rubbed Jay's legs.

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