Chapter 28

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The Halstead's have just finished watching a movie, while eating their dinner, and they were all in bed.

Erin and Jay were asleep, and Jay was complaining of a migraine all night, until it worsened.

"A-Ahh..." Jay groaned.

Erin woke up, and turned the lamp off.

"Babe-." Erin started.

Jay squinted his eyes shut, and whimpered.

"Turn the light off!" Jay whimpered.

Erin could tell Jay's migraine worsened, so she quickly turned the lights out.

"Is it your migraine?" Erin asked.

Jay had tears dripping down his face, and nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I thought it'd calm down..." Jay sniffled.

Erin got onto Jay's lap, and gently took his hands down.

"Don't open your eyes. Babe. I'm gonna massage your temples..." Erin spoke softly.

Jay winced, but soon relaxed into Erin's ministrations.

"Does it help?" Erin wondered.

Jay nodded, and cried out.

"Okay! Okay! Let's try an icepack..." Erin suggested.

Erin got off the bed, and placed the pillow behind Jay's head.

"H-Hurry..." Jay whispered.

Erin nodded, and ran out of the room.

As Erin got to the hall. Cassie opened her door.

"Mom? What's going on?" Cassie asked.

Erin looked at her eldest daughter, and smiled.

"Daddy's got a small headache. I'm going to get him an icepack..." Erin explained.

Cassie nodded, and rubbed her eyes.

"Can I do anything to help?" Cassie wondered.

Erin smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm, and replied.

"Umm? I think I got it handled. Go back to bed, babes. You got school in the morning..." Erin responded.

Cassie sighed, and hugged Erin.

"Love you. Mom..." Cassie whispered.

Erin kissed Cassie's head, and walked her back into the bedroom.

"Love you too. Baby girl." Erin cooed.

Cassie shut her bedroom door, and fell back to sleep.

After a few minutes. Erin grabbed some paracetamols, and an icepack, then walked back to the bedroom.

Erin walked into the bedroom, and noticed Jay still awake.

"Hey. I got some paracetamols, and an icepack. It should take the edge off." Erin soothed.

Jay opened his eyes halfway, and felt the coolness of the ice on his forehead.

"That should help..." Erin comforted.

Jay moved his head onto Erin's chest, and fell asleep.

"Night. My sweet baby..." Erin smiled.

Jay snored in Erin's arms softly, and clenched his fists.

Halfway through the night. Jay's migraine got worse.

Jay sat up, and sobbed into his hands.

"Okay. It's time to get you to Med. It's been four hours, and your still not feeling better..." Erin stated.

Erin got out of the bed, and grabbed Jay's sliders.

"Shuffle towards the edge, babe..." Erin guided.

Jay sat on the edge of the bed, and slipped his sliders on.

"I feel sick..." Jay gagged.

Erin rubbed Jay's back, and kissed his head.

"We'll be at Med soon. Lie down for a bit. I'm gonna get the girls together." Erin spoke quietly.

Jay mumbled, and lied down on the bed, closing his painful eyes.

15 Minutes Later. The Halstead's were in the car, and Erin was driving to Med.

Jay's head had fallen on Cassie's little shoulder, and she was uncomfortable.

"Mom? Dad's head's fallen on my shoulder again..." Cassie sighed.

Erin looked through the windshield, and smiled.

"His head's hurting. Babes. We'll be at Med soon..." Erin reassured.

Cassie nodded, and went on her tablet, and played a game.

As Erin pulled into the parking space. She went to wake Jay.

Erin opened the car door, and gently rubbed Jay's shoulder.

"Baby? We're at Med. You feel okay to walk?" Erin asked.

Jay opened his eyes slowly, and looked around.

"Yeah..." Jay mumbled.

Jay got out of the truck, and leant on Erin's shoulder.

"Put all your weight on me. I gotcha..." Erin soothed.

Jay walked slowly into Med, and Will brought a wheelchair.

"Sit him here..." Will guided.

Erin gently sat Jay down on the wheelchair, and Monique put his legs in the stands.

"Follow us!" Will smiled.

Erin and Cassie walked behind Will, and walked into the vacant room.

"Okay. Get up on the bed for me. Buddy." Will whispered.

Monique helped Jay get onto the bed, and lie down.

"So, you got a migraine?" Will started.

Jay covered his eyes with his arm, and Monique attached the lines, and blood pressure cuff.

"We're gonna do an IV. Get some morphine into you, and control that throbbing in your head.

Jay nodded, and gagged.

"I'm gonna be sick-." Jay gagged.

Will placed the basin under Jay's chin, and rubbed his back.

"Get it out. Little brother. Let it all out..." Will soothed.

Cassie watched on, and hid behind Erin's body.

"What's wrong with daddy?" Cassie wondered.

Erin looked down, and smiled sadly.

"Daddy's not feeling very well. Uncle Will. Will fix him up!" Erin smiled.

Cassie sighed, and sat down on the vacant chair.

"The Morphine should kick in soon. It'll make you a bit loopy, and tired." Will warned.

Jay had already started to feel the side effects of the Morphine, and it took the edge off his migraine.

"He'll be alright. Erin. A little TLC. He'll be fine!" Will reassured.

Erin nodded, and got onto Jay's bed.

"Well. Your Migraine should be clearing now. I'm here if you want me to massage it? Rub your temples? I'm right here. Baby..." Erin comforted.

Jay smiled sleepily, and fell into a deep slumber.

After 5 Minutes. Everyone was asleep.

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