Chapter 112

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Erin and Jay were in their bedroom. Suddenly, Jay gasped himself awake.

"Whoa! Baby," Erin whispered.

Jay closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's alright. Did you accidentally swallow spit and it went down the wrong pipe?" Erin inquired.

Jay nodded affirmatively and sighed.

"I want my kids, Erin! I want to see them burst into our room, chattering about some wild new gadget. I want Ashlyn to come in clutching her toy truck. I want all of that back!" Jay's voice broke with emotion.

Erin drew Jay back into her embrace, tears streaming down her own cheeks.

"I know, baby. We're going to get them back soon, I promise..." Erin vowed, though she hesitated, not wanting to raise Jay's hopes—her promise was more to keep his anger at bay.

Jay trembled and wept on Erin's shoulder.

"Come on, let's stay like this for a few more hours," Erin suggested.

Erin lay down and drew Jay close to her chest.

"I'll play with your hair until you fall asleep. It's okay," Erin offered.

Jay exhaled deeply and clutched Ashlyn's old teddy bear.

After a few minutes. Jay fell into a sleep and Erin noticed Annie texting her.

To Erin:
Did I hear correctly?
All yours and Jay's kids have been taken away from you both?

Erin sighed and texted back 

To Annie:
Jay's a mess. I've finally got him settled enough to go back to sleep
We're out out options. Annie...

Annie gazed at her husband, her expression serious.

"Wesley, do you remember Erin and Jay?" she inquired.

Wesley approached and gave a confirming nod.

"Sure, didn't you hang out with them before?" he replied with another nod.

Annie affirmed and dove straight into the matter at hand.

"Their children have been taken away. You're a lawyer, aren't you? Could you advocate for them? Jay really needs your support at the moment; his anger issues are escalating, and he risks being excluded from the courtroom if he can't keep them in check," Ashlyn detailed.

Wesley nodded and smiled.

"Yeah! I'll advocate for them!" Wesley smiled.

Annie smiled and texted Erin back.

To Erin:
Wesley's gonna be your advocate.
He's good at child abuse cases.

Erin looked at her phone and smiled 

To Annie:
Really? That's gonna help us so much!
Tell him I love him!

Annie laughed softly and kissed her husband.

"You're doing a good thing! They're the best parents you could ever have..." Annie smiled.

Wesley nodded and suited up.

In the apartment, Erin and Jay were soon awake.

They put on their shoes and left the apartment.

The team was all confused.

Erin and Jay got into their truck and drove to the child centre.

Upon arriving, they noticed Wesley.

"Hi, guys!" Wesley greeted with a smile.

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