Chapter 130

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Startled awake, Jay's head collided with the upper bunk.

Jay sighed and rolled out of the bed and picked up his buzzing cell phone.

10 New Messages from - Lindsay 
5 New Calls from - Lindsay

Jay sighed and walked out of room.

As Jay walked into the kitchen. He noticed some breakfast on the table with a little note

Jay ~
We had to leave early for work. There's some breakfast on the table. We tried telling you but you were asleep.
Help yourself to the breakfast!

~ A x K

Jay chuckled and lifted a pancake.

After Awhile, Jay walked into the bullpen and sat at his desk.

Erin emerged from the locker room and spotted Jay.

"Where the hell were you? I called and texted you!" Erin exclaimed.

Jay sighed and replied.

"Nice to see you too, babe," Jay murmured.

Erin slapped Jay across the face and then embraced him.

"Don't ever scare me like that again..." Erin murmured.

Jay held Erin close and kissed her head.

"I won't. I promise!" Jay smiled.

Erin nodded and smiled.

Midday had arrived, and the entire unit was present at a scene where a suspect was brandishing a firearm.

Jay was approaching the unit when he sensed the cold press of a gun against his head.

With his hands raised, Jay slowly turned to face the assailant.

"Hey, keep the gun on me..." Jay murmured.

Marcus's grip tightened on the trigger, and Jay continued.

"Alright, alright, no need to shoot! Let's just stay here, you and me," Jay said, nodding.

Tears filled Marcus's eyes as Jay whispered to him.

"If you want to shoot someone, shoot me..." Jay's voice was a hushed murmur.

The team looked on in shock, their guns aimed at Marcus.

"Just do it—shoot me!" Jay insisted.

Fear and unease gripped Marcus.

"COME ON! DO IT! SHOOT ME! THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, ISN'T IT?" Jay's shout broke the tense silence.

Marcus's hands trembled, tears streaming down his face.

"Just... shoot me," Jay said softly.

With shaking hands, Marcus let the gun fall.

Jay kicked the gun away and then picked it up.

"Hands behind your back," Erin commanded.

Marcus sobbed as Erin escorted him out.

Leaning against the wall, Jay watched Hank emerge.

"You okay, kid?" Hank inquired.

Jay let the gun fall, covered his mouth, and hurried to the bathroom.

Hank glanced towards Jay and let out a sigh.

Later, Jay found himself in Alan's bar when Abby made her entrance.

Noticing Jay, Abby took a seat beside him.

"Hi Jay!" greeted Abby with a smile.

Jay returned the smile and greeted her in return.

"Hi Abby..." he whispered back.

Alan passed shots to Jay and Abby before stepping away.

"To new beginnings!" declared Abby with a smirk.

Their glasses clinked, and Jay downed his shot.

Back at Abby's apartment, Jay lay on the couch as Abby planted kisses along his neck.

Yet, Jay remained silent, not uttering a sound or a moan.

Jay looked at the table and noticed the baggie of coke.

As Abby kissed Jay, she pulled his leg over her back.

Jay let out a soft moan and felt his belt get loose.

The night ended with Abby and Jay asleep in bed.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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