Chapter 17

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Colleen POV

I am laying in the procedure room with Josh sitting beside me. He keeps kissing my hand as the nurses get everything ready. I am nervous as hell. "Think positive babe" Josh whispers to me making me smile. Finally the doctor walks in. "Morning" she says. "Morning" Josh and I say in unison. "Okay Colleen I am going to walk you through every step ok?" the doctor says. "Ok" I say. I hear commotion in the room as she gets gloves on and everything set up. "Colleen just put your legs into the stirrups please" she asks me as I comply. "Just going to give you some numbing medicine so you don't feel much ok?" She says. I nod. I feel the needle in my butt cheek on both sides. I look at Josh and he is smiling looking at me. "Ok now I am going to pull as many eggs as possible from your ovary and bring them into your uterus" the doctor says. Again a nurse is rolling an ultrasound on my stomach as the doctor inserts something into me. "Looks like a straw babe" Josh says as he stares at the screen. He smiles as he squeezes my hand. "Ok this part might feel a little off. I am going to move your eggs down. Just hold onto Josh" she says smiling as she watches the screen. I instantly feel a pulling sensation and then some sharp pains. I flinch. "Colleen just keep calm ok. You may feel some discomfort" she says as I grip Joshs hand tight. Josh is staring at me rubbing my cheek. "Good job Colleen. Lots of great eggs here. Now they are waiting for Josh's sperm" she says smiling as she gets something else ready that I can't see. I feel a tube inserted into me again. "Ok I will add Josh's contribution. There you go" she says as she watches the screen smiling. "Okay Colleen we are all done. I want you to lay here completely still for the next 45 minutes" she says as she gets up and walks out of the room with the nurses. "You did so good" Josh says. "Cross your fingers baby" I say smiling and puckering up for a kiss. "I want this to work" I say closing my eyes.

Its now Christmas Eve and we are finding out if we are pregnant or not. I would only be 3 weeks pregnant but the  doctor can tell earlier than a store bought test. Josh and I sit there  and wait to be called in. They take some blood and walk out of the room. I sit against Josh just praying it took. The doctor walks in with my chart and greets us as she sits down. "Well it looks like we have success guys... Congratulations!" She says smiling. I start sobbing as Josh and I hug. Josh is crying as well. "Can I just make sure it isn't ectopic again by doing a quick ultrasound?" She asks. "Sure " I say standing up. "Colleen its a vaginal ultrasound as your so early in your pregnancy" she says. I strip down and lay down. Josh is smiling ear to ear looking at the screen. "Ok Colleen just relax" she says and she inserts a wand inside me while watching the screen. I see her smile as she looks back down at me. "Right here is your baby. Perfect spot" she says excitedly pointing at the screen. I smile. As I sit up and get dressed she is barking off orders. No sex for a week. She wants me as low key as possible for the next two weeks. "We want to make sure the baby is attached to grow ok?" She asks. "I won't do a thing" I say. Josh and I leave and make our way to Santa Barbara. We are beyond happy. "Excited Josh?" I ask. He nods. "You just need to relax" he says. "I will don't worry" I say. " I am pregnant again" I whisper to myself as I stare out the window.

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