Chapter 78

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Colleen POV

I step off the plane exhausted. I am a mess and everyone on this plane is staring at me because I look so atrocious. I shuffle through the airport until I see Rachel waiting for me. I start to cry and she hugs me tight. "Colleen I am so sorry sis" she says squeezing me. I nod into her shoulder. "He wouldn't say anything to me. Not a word. He made me feel this was all my fault" I say getting upset. She pulls me over to some chairs and we sit down as she holds my hand. "Calm down Colleen. He will come around" she says. "I don't know" I say sniffling. "He called me asking me if I spoke to you today and where you were" she says watching my reaction. "He did? when?" I ask. "While you were flying here. I gave him shit and hung up on him" she says. "He later texted me and told me he was jumping on a flight overnight and would text me when he lands" she says. "I don't want to see him. I am so tired" I say. She nods. "Come stay at my house for the night ok?" she says. I nod and we walk out of the airport together.

I lay down in Rachels guest room as she brings me in some toast and a tea. I am starving and haven't eaten anything in almost 24 hours. I am feeling myself get weaker by the minute. "Colleen you need to eat this now. You look out of it" she says. I sit up and eat it all and she brings me some fruit. I hear my pump alarm go off telling me I am out of insulin. I grab another vial from my purse and click it in. "I just put a new one in a day ago" I say shocked looking at the empty vial. "How long does it usually last?" Rachel asks me. "2-3 weeks" I say looking at her terrified. "We are going to the hospital Colleen. Lets go" she says. I don't argue. We get into the car and drive there when Rachels phone goes off. "Is it him?" I ask looking out the window. "Yes, he landed" she says. "Want me to tell him where you are?" she asks. "No" I say. We continue on and I get admitted. My diabetes is out of whack because my kidneys are having issues due to stress and the pregnancy. "When did you eat last?" the doctor asks. "I had some toast an hour ago but before that 24 hours ago" I say ashamed. "Your body is trying to help you but you aren't helping it Mrs Evans. You are doing more harm to it" he says. I nod. "You must eat and keep a normal supply of nutrients in your system at all times especially now. You are high risk as it is" he says. He turns around and walks out as Rachel hugs me. "I feel so stupid" I say. "You have a million things going on but you have to be number one, above the kids and Josh" she says. I nod as I lay back down into bed.

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